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⌦ 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠, 𝐽𝑖𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔'𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎 𝑠𝑎𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1455


Jisung is drifting off to sleep right now, somewhere at the border of deep sleep. Then Jisung hears his door being knocked from behind and it kind of startles him awake. He curses but doesn't bother to open his eyes and go check who is behind the door. Instead, he squeezes his eyes shut and hides under the covers so that he is almost fully under them, except the top of his head where the hair sticks out wildly.

He tries to block out the noices, but he can still hear the door being opened. The intruder doesn't step into the room, because Jisung hears them speaking from the door.

"Hyung?" it's Jeongin and Jisung really wants to be mad, but he really can't. What a shame.

He also doesn't want to speak right now. Actually, he doesn't want to be bothered, talked to or even looked at. He wants to be alone. But he can't really say that to Jeongin.

It's quiet for a moment and then Jisung hears Jeonging stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. The younger makes his way to the older slowly and silently. Jisung can sense Jeongin stopping by the bed and hesitating, hovering over the bed for a moment, but then sits down onto the bed, next to the older anyways. Jisung tenses and curls into himself even more if that's even possible.

"Are you okay? You've been in bed for four days straight..." Jisung heard a far too concered voice for his liking. But four days? Wow... he thought it would have only been like... what? Two days? Now when he thought about it, he couldn't even tell what day it was... what time it was? Nothing.

"Everyone has been worried... and Chan-hyung asked me to... you know, try and get you out of bed before you grow roots and get stuck in here or something" Jeonging chuckles but Jisung knows he just tries to lighten the mood to try and get Jisung to crawl out of his nest with ease and without discomfort.

"I know you must have been stressed lately... but we could do something together? If you'd like? But I think it would do good to get you outside to see some daylight, I think" Jeongin continues and much more seriously than before.

Jeongin likely has the point. No, Jeongin definitely has the point. Jisung has been stressed which has led to tiredness which has led to exhaustion. Jisung hasn't been really motivated or inspired lately and he hasn't known what to do about it. So, he chose the best option: sleep, stay in bed and wallow in self pity. Maybe cry a bit and think about things more deeply. Use some alone time until the others force him out of bed and be productive and do something active. Jisung knows they're worried, but it's pointless. So with that, Jeongin doesn't have the point completely.

"Hyung?" Jisung snaps out of his trance and- oh, right, he should do something, anything.

Jisung shifts and turns around. He lowers the covers, so his head and face are seen. He doesn't know wether or not to look at the younger. He takes a quick glance at the other, but it doesn't last long. His hearts fills with quilty and anxiety. Then he decides he should also say something, anything.

"I-I'm sorry..." he cringes at his own voice which sounds awful - hoarse and quiet. He hasn't really used his voice in days. He also doesn't know why he chose those words, because when he spoke, he sounded far too quiet and far too sorry for his own liking. He doesn't know why he is sorry. He knows the quilt tho: he's quilty that he hasn't said anything to anyone in days. He hasn't picked any calls or answered any messages. He hasn't opened his phone at al and he's pretty sure it's somewhere on the floor of his room and out of battery. He's quilty for worrying people in vain and making them look after him in vain.

"It's okay... so, how are you feeling?" Jeongin speaks and Jisung is grateful for the other for being as neutral as possible.

"I... I'm okay, yeah..." Jisung says and he isn't sure if he just lied or not but he doesn't believe himself. He feels fine superficially but considering he's spent last four days in bed because he's been feeling so damn tired, he should say he's not fine.

"Okay, then" Jeongin just says. Jisung is sure Jeongin doesn't believe him because neither does he, but Jeongin doesn't blame him for lying.

"Wanna do something together? I'm still a bit surprised that Minho-hyung hasn't dragged you out yet... What happened to your dates?" Jeongin decides to ask. Jisung finds himself smiling a little.

"Maybe he's tired of me? I'm always worrying and stuff... I just haven't been doing any well lately and I've just been so fucking tired, man" Jisung chooses to rant a little. Jeongin deserves to know even if the younger doesn't force him to speak.

"I'm sure he understands... and I'm also sure that he isn't tired of you... he's just been busy, I think... and he's been really worried about you, we all can tell" Jeongin smiles himself and they make a quick eye contact. Jeongin's presence is warm, understanding and empathic and it makes Jisung feels something he isn't quite familiar with. Jeongin's eyes are comfortable to look into and his face shows concern just a good amount. Jisung likes to look at Jeongin.

"So... let's go? You should shower first tho..." Jeongin says and stands up. He helps Jisung to get out of bed and stand as well which is hard first. He hasn't really used his body physically for days, so his body feels weak and exhausted, but he manages. He just wants to lie down again.

Together, though, they manage well enough. Jeongin leaves the bathroom so Jisung can have some privacy and as Jisung is taking a shower (which takes way more time they both could have quessed), Jeongin takes his time cleaning the older's room a bit. He opens the window to let cool air in and get the stuffy, stale air out. He changes Jisung's sheets and throws the old ones to laundry. He throws wrappers, tissues and crumpled pieces of paper into trash and takes the trash out. He also gathers the empty bottles and cans into the separate plastic bag. Jeongin doesn't have time to do much more when the older is stepping into the room in a pair of clean clothes and with a messy, wet hair all over his head. Jeongin smiles at the view.

"Feeling better?" he asks smiling, almost teasing but he knows it's not the right time.

"Yeah..." the other says and looks around the room. "Thanks for... you know, doing this all for me..." the older continues sheepishly. He also averts Jeongin's eyes.

"You don't have to thank me, you know? I'm just doing what friends do to each other, right? And if I wouldn't have come and get you, then somebody else would have soon" Jeongin lets out a breathy laugh again. Jisung also smiles but it doesn't quite reach its usual spot. It's kind of forced and they both know it, but don't comment on it.

They make their way to the living room where they find others. Jisung didn't expect them all to be here but Jeongin doesn't look surprised. Soon, all of them are hovering over Jisung snd crowding the poor boy. They're all hugging him and asking him questions and Jisung feels a bit overwhelmed. He's also emotional all of a sudden, tears almost making their way out of his stinging eyes onto his pale, sunken cheeks. All because of the worry of others that are showing and it all makes Jisung feel many things – positive things, mostly.

Jisung promises he will tell them later. Because even if he doesn't have to say much, it can be hard sometimes to get even a single word out of his mouth. He doesn't want to cry. He doesn't want the others to worry. Though he knows neither of those are possible. He can just say that his anxiety has been acting up lately and that he's been really tired, exhausted even. And it's okay to stay in bed sometimes and sleep in. He knows they'll understand. He knows they'll get him.

Jeongin holds his hand the rest of the day. The younger may not like physical contact, but hand holding is fine. It's fine for Jisung also. More than fine.

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