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⌦ 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑚𝑖𝑛
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑚𝑖𝑛 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑, 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1161


It's too much, too much, too much! The white, blinding light is getting brighter and brighter, piercing through one's eyes and whole soul with its force. I force my eyes shut as tightly as I can but it hurts. It hurts nonetheless, no matter what I do. It stings.

The noises and voices, all too loud, too much! They're everywhere making it impossible to dodge them and get away from them. My ears are ringing. The talking of the people is incoherent, sounding like it'd not be from this world at all, not listenable nor understandable at all. And it's all getting to one's head messing with one's mind and thoughts. I try to block my ears as well but it's impossible not to hear anything when my head is almost as loud as my surroundings right now. It hurts.

Thinking is hard, feeling is hard just existing in this place and in this moment is hard. I need to get out, out, out.

I want to go home.

Suddenly, I smell something really... something really disgusting. It almost reeks. It's a bit muddy, musty and also as if almost a bit heavy as well. In a way it's hard to breathe it in and then let it out. It feels like it clings on one's lungs, staining them inside like glue. It feels like one's lungs get filled with it, until they're chockablock and it's impossible to breathe anymore. Like the airways and lungs have closed completely, making breathing impossible.

My nose has always been sensitive. I have always been sensitive for smells. And it sucks. I'm always smelling something and it's always bothering me. There's nothing I can do though, I need to breathe to live. But now I notice that it's getting harder. For real.

I remove my hands from my ears and open my eyes. I find myself in the living room, sitting on the couch, between two figures who both keep moving, as if wiggling around, making me uncomfortable. But that's not the worst problem. The smokey smell is getting to me.

I look around and sniff the air slightly. Suddenly, it's like my vision starts to get more grayish. As if getting blurred. As if people's faces are being censored. It takes me a second to realize I might not be imagining it. There is smoke in here. Oh.

It takes me another second to realize I need to get out of here for real. And everyone else does too.

I stand up quickly, not even noticing the dizzy spell I get hit by immediately and blood rushing around in my head. My heart is fast and breathing quickening as well. I need to be fast.

"We need to get out, hurry!" I say loudly, looking desperately around and at people. Since then there's been this much people in here? I haven't even noticed. They're moving around naturally in the apartment, filling up the empty spaces nicely. But so is the cloudy and smokey air too. It's spreading. We need to get out.

"Hey, we need to get out! There's smoke in here! Can't you smell? We need to hurry!" I yell this time and finally get the attention on others. They all still in their movements and turn to look at me. Their wide eyes, full of confusion are staring at me oddly, eyebrows raising. I look at them back. Can't they smell it? See it? How can't they notice it? It's everywhere!


"What are you talking about?"


"Are you okay?"

They're asking stupid questions, looking absolutely dumb. They all look confused, now looking around and at each other. It's getting harder to inhale the stuffy air and my eyes are starting to sting and getting wet as well. Oh dear.

"There's smoke in here, see!" I speak, hands wagging around in the air, gesturing. The others look even more confused. I'm getting more distressed and frustrated. Are they this dumb for real?

"Seungmin? Is everything okay?" I hear someone beside me asking, voice genuinely concerned and confused.

"We need to get out, come on! Let's go!" I speak and start to make my way to the front door. I can't go out though. Not yet. I need to make sure everyone else gets out as well, safe and sound. I need to make sure of that.

Sudfenly, as I turn to look at the others still in the living room, the smoke has spreaded pretty badly. How aren't the fire alarms alarming? And why isn't no one moving? Do they want to die?

"Come on! Start moving! We need to be quick! Come on! Why aren't y'all doing anything?" I yell. It's getting more frustrating and scary even. It's getting even harder to breathe, so I start gasping desperately. The fit of coughs hit me and the force of them is so strong it gets me bending down, leaning on the wall with my other had as the other is squeezing my chest. It hurts. It feels like something is blocking my airways, something getting stuck in my throat. It hurts.

I can feel the wetness in my eyes, in a form of tears, then sliding down my cheeks. It hurts too.

Suddenly, it's so hot. It's like the flames are spreading as well, burning down everything in their way. They can't reach me yet. I need to get out. Everyone needs to get out.

I don't want to die. No one can die. I can't let them die. I don't want to die. I don't- I can't-

"You're not going to die, Seungmin"

"Just take it easy, deep breaths, try to breathe"

"Calm down"

I find myself kneeling on the floor, out of breath and all sweaty. All my senses are going crazy. I'm going crazy.

The air is hot and stuffy. I feel weak. I find myself laying down, on my side. I feel so weak. I feel so weak.

"I-I need to g-get out... out of here" I try to speak, but it comes out desperate, small and weak.

I hope everyone else had already gotten out, safe and sound. I hope they're okay. I hope I got them out on time. I just need to get out myself now. I'm almost at the door. The fire can't reach me yet.

I try to move but I feel so incredibly weak. I can't push myself up. I can't even sit up. I just lay there, facing the grayish wall. I feel like I've just run a marathon. I'm out of breath and so sweaty, the shirt clinging to my sweaty and hot skin.

Suddenly, I can't hear, I can't see. Everything is fading, disappearing, vanishing. I must be crazy. I must be out of my mind.

I remember taking a last, short and small breath. Then I go unconscious.

I want to go home.

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