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⌦ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔

⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1700


When Jisung arrived home late at night, it was deadly silent. He shutted the door carefully behind him and kicked his shoes off. He dropped his bag on the way, as walked quietly into the apartment just to find it silent and dark, no light anywhere. It wasn't usual, since usually there would be at least a tv playing quietly in the background and it would create a little light in the livingroom, that was now almost pitch black. Jisung stood there, confused.

The boy tried to look for the light switch, which he succeeded, and turned on the lights, so he wouldn't stumble or anything.

It was late. When Jisung last looked at the clock, it showed 3:26 am, and that was when he left his studio, around fifteen minutes ago.

Jisung hasn't even received any text messages from Changbin since the older left the studio earlier, because he didn't feel very well at the morning and wanted to go back home and rest.

He must be sleeping. Of course here's no lights. Jisung thought to himself. He walked up the stairs and into the hallway, and was walking into his own room, when he passed by Changbin's room, and the door was... open? What...?

Jisung peeked carefully inside and the room was dark also, only light coming from the hallway and from the window, where the streetlights and the moon shone through, creating dark shadows in the corners.

However, Changbin's bed, was empty. Clearly neetly made even, as it was in the morning when the two had left, so the older hasn't even touched his bed since the morning. That was weird indeed. Well, not to the younger boy, who already had an idea.

Jisung knew Changbin had felt bad earlier today, he knew it. He sensed it. Jisung has known the older so many- no, too many years, so nothing was secret between them. Changbin had his past with drinking, with heartbreaks, with depression and with more drinking, and the older had his ways to get away from the reality, not really thinking what was good for him and what not. Jisung didn't really liked the older's bad habits; always running away from his problems with getting completely wasted at some bar, down the street, where Jisung always found the older at, and took him back home everytime. Changbin wasn't good at words, so rather than discussing and talking about things with Jisung, he prefered alcohol.

Jisung took his phone from his pocket and pushed the older's contact. It rang and rang, but he never got an answer, but the same lady repeating the same sentence. He called a few times only to find it go to the voicemail. Jisung sighed.

He turned on his heel, walk downstairs and grabbed his needed belongings; his phone and of course his wallet, just in case. Then he put his shoes and his own coat on, and left, locking the front door behind him.

The night was chilly and windy, creating almost scary atmosphere. It was late autumn and all the nature; trees and flowers, looked so dead. Well, everything looked so dead. The days were gray, chilly and full of sad, depressed vibes, and the nights were dark and cold, making the younger want to wrap himself under the thick blankets and watch netflix all day long, and maybe ask for some cuddles from an older boy he lives with, who knows?

Jisung walked along the streets, into very familiar direction. Yellow streetlights and the silver moon lighted his way and the only sounds heard were the boy's shoes stepping the hard and cold concrete covered in dead leaves and slight chilly breeze flowing through the streets and hitting the already shivering boy's face and playing with his hair, making it messy and fluffy.

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