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⌦ 2𝑚𝑖𝑛
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑚 𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑠, 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1097


"God, why do I keep fucking up? You stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid-"

"You know if I were you, I wouldn't be stressed one bit because we all know I can't sing for shit, but you can so I don't know why you're so stressed over something as little as this is" came a not-so-helpful comment from a not-so-helpful frenemy of Seungmin.

Seungmin lifted his head up from where it had been buried in his sweaty and shaky hands and looked at the older a few metres away. The older was sipping his drink and sitting on an armchair, looking like he was really enjoying the view in front of him: that being an overly and completely, pointlessly stressed Seungmin. Seungmin was standing in the middle of one of the back rooms they were given and pacing around as he was practising his singing, high notes and all. Their school hosted some kind of a charity event and Seungmin was asked to sing there. And of course he said yes.

The thing is that Seungmin has never had a problem with his self esteem before. He really believes in himself and hasn't ever had trouble with anxiety what so ever. But unfortunately, Seungmin felt like he wasn't getting it at all today. Nothing sounded right. And his friend who he didn't even know why was there: either for mental support or just being annoying, wasn't being helpful at all. He was just getting on Seungmin's nerves even more. And Seungmin doesn't remember when he would have been as stressed as he is right now.

"Could you please just shut the fuck up?" Seungmin asked, stress radiating off of him in waves but it didn't affect Minho. The older just casually chilling and sipping his drink, really enjoying himself.

"I thought you needed some support?" The older asked ans cocked an eyebrow. Seungmin didn't like that friendly smirk that was proudly forming on the older's lips.

"I do, but please, give me feedback only when I ask for it. Otherwise, keep that wise mouth of yours shut" Seungmin said and started pacing around once more.

"Why are you so stressed in the first place? I thought this was nothing to you? You have been at way more important events before..." the older asked confused and watched as his friend paced around, clesrly not stopping and relaxing any time soon.

"I don't know... somehow I'm just really anxious right now..." Seungmin spoke.

Seungmin was known as a really good singer with a really good voice all around the school. People were really proud of him and sometimes he was proud of himself too. But right now, he couldn't feel any security or pride. The show would start in an hour but Seungmin's turn to be on strage was a little later, so he would have plenty of time to try to practise and call down somehow, keyword: try. He really did tho.

"Maybe you should eat something...? I have chocolate in my bag, I can go and get it if you want?" Minho asked and made a move to stand up and leave, but Seungmin stopped him.

"No, don't bother, I think if I eat, I would just throw up" Seungmin spoke.

"Well, then, maybe try drinking something? Water? It can be good for your voice too, even tho I know your voice always sounds good"

"You sound like a professional, I thought you said singing wasn't for you?"

"Shut up, I'm a friend giving an advice for a friend, I don't really know how to comfort anyone better"

Then they fell silent for a few minutes, mentally debating with themselves.

"Water would be fine actually" Seungmin then said. Minho nodded and got up, then left and Seungmin was left alone in the small room.

He sat down on a chair by the small table and took in a few deep breaths. He got this.

~ a few hours later ~

"I knew you could do it, you dummy!!" the older cheered as Seungmin opened the door to the back room from where he a few minutes ago left. The only difference was that now he wasn't that stressed at all. He was relieved. Really relieved.

"Yeah, how was it?" He asked as he plopped down next to the older onto the chair. The older handed him a water bottle and Seungmin took it gratefully, opening it and drinking from it.

"Hmmm... it was ok" the older mumbled, looking away. Seungmin rolled his eyes at his friend's stupid antics.

"Just admit it was great, okay?"

"What? Now you have the confidence you needed earlier? Wow, I can't believe you"

"Hey, I was really worried and you weren't helping at all, you menace" Seungmin spoke as he threw the water bottle at the older and stood up.

He grabbed his coat and was about to exit.

"I'm gonna go to find the others and we're gonna go to the new cafe that opened, you wanna come?" he turned to the older.

"Ok... but I can't stand you guys, you are all so loud and annoying" Seungmin rolled his eyes. The older acting as if he wasn't just being hypocrite. The older stood up, mumbling and complaining under his breath. He gathered his things and soon they were out the door. Seungmin knew Minho was just acting, the older's love language not quite words and communicating, but more the physical acts. And it was okay, it wasn't like Seungmin got to say anything, he wasn't any better.

As they were walking, the older suddenly stopped.

"Hey Seungmin?" he asked.

"What now?" the younger turned to the other and asked, rising an eyebrow at why they needed to suddenly stop at the middle of the not so empty corridor.

"You did really great, I'm proud of you" the older said and looked around before he stepped closer to give the other a quick hug and then quickly stepping away and walking away.

Seungmin stood there for a little longer with wide eyes and open mouth and trying to process. He really lagged. As he came to his senses again and as he realized what had happened, he felt himself getting shy with red ears and all.

"Come on, what is taking you so long, loser?" he heard the other shouting from afar, at the of the corridor.

"I'm coming, wait for me!" he shouted and jogged away, really happy and smiling like an idiot. Maybe he, indeed, was a sort of an idiot.

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