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⌦ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑙𝑖𝑥
⌦ 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 990


Chan walked along the snowy road, through the snowy neighborhood. It was snowing. The big, white snowflakes were falling and pouring to the ground steadily, covering the icy ground with its white, beautiful blanket of snow. It was January, but the winter, also Christmas, has been pretty snow less until now.

Chan was visiting his sick grandma who lives in a big, wooden house in this familiar neighbourhood. This neighbourhood always gives Chan a warm and comfortable feeling. It was really nice to be back here after all those long and exhausting years of college life. Chan was still a college student, but for now he's not that busy anymore. It was a big relief to know that he would get a week-long holiday, a real and actual one. He has always been busy and stressed that he's used to it by now. Also during holidays and weekends he always got something to do and never decent and nice rest, but this time, Chan didn't have any work nor school to do. He was relieved and glad. He could finally rest, relax and ease off a bit, for real.

He decided to spend a few days at his grandma's, since he really missed that kind and nice woman.

Today was Sunday and Chan decided to go on a walk. He wanted to just walk and wander around and wind up a bit. Just him and his thoughts and this comfortable atmosphere. Chan really liked winter and all the things it brought with it.

As Chan kept walking peacefully, he didn't notice that the snowy road was also pretty slippery. Chan didn't even know what he expected since it was Winter and it was snowing, cold and icy outside.

And that's why Chan ended up slipping and falling forward. There was a sudden pain in his nose and then he found himself lying on his stomach, in the middle of the road.

He groaned as he tried to get up. He pushed himself up slowly and shakily, his arms shaking and his head throbbing with pain. Somehow he felt really weak but didn't know why... were all those numerous times in the gym with Changbin for nothing? Really?

As he got himself into a sitting position, he suddenly felt embarrassed. Come on, Bang Christopher Chan, this is so embarrassing, you're supposed to be a grown man and a responsible adult, and now you made fool of yourself... great...

He was so distraught and tumbled with his own thoughts that he didn't hear quick footsteps behind him running to him until they stopped beside him. He got startled and flinched violently when a small hand suddenly grabbed his other arm and a voice said:

"Sorry... didn't mean to scare you, but... are you alright? You fell pretty hard... " the voice said worriedly.

Chan turned to look at the boy next to him. The boy looked young, with blonde hair and freckles on his cheeks. Chan almost spaced out because of the beauty on the stranger's face, but he collected himself together and spoke:

"Y-yeah... haha... I'm- I'm okay... sorry, I think I didn't notice there was ice on the road and that was really stupid of me to think there wouldn't be any because it's Winter and all and I just-

"Okay, okay, I get it, but- oh my God, you're bleeding!"

Chan got confused for a second but then there was a hand under his noce, wiping off the blood.

"O-oh... I- I... sorry" Chan didn't know what else to say.

"It's okay... can you stand?" the boy asked.

"Yeah... I think I can..." Chan said hesitantly and slowly and carefully got to his feet with help of the cute stranger.

"Thank you, I guess..." Chan spoke as he wiped the snow off of his clothes. He was still embarrassed, but the kind and warm smile the stranger was giving him didn't make him feel bad at all.

"No problem, really, but you should be more careful, you know? There isn't always going to be other people around and what if you fall really hard and like, get unconscious? You could be left out in the cold and freeze to death" the boy ranted, trying to seem serious but to Chan the boy in front of him was the cutest little bean he had ever talked to.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it... I'm Chan, by the way" Chan said and smiled.

"Oh, I'm Felix, nice to meet you" the boy said eagerly and flashed a wide smile that Chan swore was brighter than the Sun.

They stood there for a moment, in a silence. Then the throbbing pain in Chan's head and in his nose made itself known and Chan groaned a little, moving his other hand to rub his head.

"I should go now, my grandma is probably waiting for me" he said and looked at the other.

"Okay, I should get going too actually" Felix said, his smile weakening slightly and Chan swore that it got clearly dimmer around them.

"Bye then" Chan spoke and smiled.

"Bye!" Felix said and waved as he turned around and walked away.

Their ways got separated. But actually, Chan got to step only a few steps when Felix was suddenly in front of him.

"Could we, like, maybe hang out tomorrow? If you got nothing to do, because I definitely don't, it's holiday after all" Felix offered shyly. Chan could feel his heart melting just a little and he almost cooed out loud.

"Of course, why not? I'm available all week" Chan said.

"Great!!" Felix cheered.

They quickly exchanged numbers and said goodbyes to each other. Then their ways got separated again. And Chan could feel aching not only in his head but also in his heart. And when he fell, maybe he fell in love also, so he didn't mind, not at all.

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