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⌦ 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑗𝑖𝑛
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑚 𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑒𝑠, 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑑
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1341


Changbin stands in front of the mirror. It's a huge wall mirror Hyunjin insisted him to buy.

Hyunjin likes to dress up. He likes to style himself up even for the smallest occasions. He's always focusing on his looks and trying to make himself even more charming. If that's even possible. Because Hyunjin couldn't get more attractive, Changbin is sure.

When Hyunjin has an opportunity, he's always in front of some kind of a mirror, either fixing his hair or adding lip gloss.

But when Changbin passes by a mirror and has an opportunity to look at himself - like really look at himself - he can't help but get into his head.

He's been a person to focus on his own looks or even pay attention to other people's appearances. He just doesn't find any point in that. He likes as well as dislikes people only based on their personality and vibes.

Sure, he can't say he's ever really disliked anyone. It's more of not being in the same wavelength. Changbin is social and likes people but some of them get on his nerves.

But if he were to name someone he absolutely detests and looks at with loathing in his eyes is himself.

So that's why he stands in the middle of his and Hyunjin's room and stares stupidly at himself in the mirror.

When did he get this chubby? Isn't he supposed to be muscly? Where are his muscles, for fuck's sake?!

I need to eat less. I need to start eating less and exercising more. I need to spend more time in the gym and work out harder. Maybe I could sometimes go for a walk as well? And quit binging late night snacks.

And why does he look rather round but sort of small as well? Why does he look so short? Has Jisung grown taller than him? There's no way. Maybe he could start dressing better as well. He could start doing his hair and maybe-

Why is Hyunjin so much better looking than him? When he starts to think about all the standards and all the ideals, Hyunjin always pops into his mind. As if haunting him.

Hyunjin is everything.

And he's nothing.

He'll never look like Hyunjin. He isn't built likeba fucking super model. People aren't all over him and his ugly face. Hyunjin has handsome face features. Damn. Changbin can't help but feel jealous. Bittersweet.

He isn't a person to get jealous this easily either. And Hyunjin is his best friend and roommate, for fuck's sake! They're the best bros!

And now he feels stupid. He feels bad.

But it's so unfair though.

Even though it's neither of their fault.

He gets frustrated and almost rages himself out of his t-shirt. The poor piece of clothing ends up abandoned somewhere on the floor as Changbin turns and twirls in front of the mirror.

God, he can't look anymore. He wants to destroy the ugly image out of his mind. The image of himself. The image he never wants to see or face ever again.

He's had enough.

Just as his fist subconsciously raises and he's about to wreck the mirror in front of him completely, the door opens.

Hyunjin walks in casually. He looks at his phone in his other hand as his other hand holds a doughnut. He munches, cheeks full, and doesn't even notice the older in the room.

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