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⌦ 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 2172


Minho's been nervous all day. Today would be the day. The day. The day he confesses his undying but infinitely growing crush he has develop to Jisung.

He feels a bit dumb because this all feels like some kind of a huge step for him, some kind of a big deal. Like his future happiness is depending on this and this only. He's nervous but a tiny bit hopeful as well and not too hopeless at all.

He and Jisung are good friends. Jisung's very dear and precious to him. He cherises and adores Jisung. He loves Jisung. With all his heart. And he's aware of the fact that his heart is way too fragile for its own good. He's aware that it can be broken way too easily. Even just by snapping fingers. Minho knows that but tries to push those thoughts and the bad feeling away.

He feels neutral about the answer but a tiny bit more in the positive way. He knows Jisung likes him too but in what way? About that he isn't so sure. But Jisung's a good friend. He wouldn't be an ass about it if he doesn't feel the same. If the feelings aren't returned, he wouldn't leave Minho or hate him forever. Jisung would be understanding and sympathetic. He would say that everything will be alright. He would hug Minho. He would- no. Minho is sure he'll be fine if Jisung doesn't feel the same kind of love he does. He'll be just fine. With or without the mutual love.

And the way Jisung looks at him? Lord, the way his eyes sparkle when he looks at Minho? The heart shaped smile that could beat the sun in no time? And the way it's directed at Minho? The tiny and soft touches, the comfortable silence, Jisung's beautiful voice that's like music to ears, the awkward but cute moments, the way Jisung blushes- okay, he's getting carried away. The point is that it's logic. He's heard some of their mutual friends talking about them.

A big part of him is optimistic and upbeat. And after all, he wants to pursue hoping for the good things. So he takes a hold onto that hopeful spark and doesn't let it be blown out. He's getting positive and pushes the gut wrenching, slowly but surely growing bad feeling away.

He almost missed his bus because he's been deep in his head all morning. At some point he put his earphones on and tried to distract himself by listening to music. It didn't help though. He couldn't focus on the reality around him, other people and the spinning world. He had almost tripped over his own feet. And as embarrassing as it wouldve been, he was already too anxious to care about that.

He finally makes his way to school and the familiar hallways. He jogs to his first class after getting some important stuff from his locker.

He's surprised he's actually a way earlier than he would've imagined.

As soon as he steps in, his eyes fall on no other than Han Jisung. He's already in his seat by the window in the back row. That's their usual spot if they're having a same class. No matter the class room.

He already feels a little better by seeing Jisung. Like he forgets about all his worries and fears. The nervous trembling of his hands disappearing. He makes way over smiling and waves. "Hey, Sungie" he says as he plops down next to his friend.

As soon as he sits down, Jisung lifts his head up from his phone and as soon as he notices the older he also starts smiling that blinding smile of his.

"Hey, hyungie! Good morning" he says as he takes his earphones off. "How has you day been?" he asks.

"Ah, it's been good" Minho answers as casually as he can. He's afraid Jisung will pick out his nervousness somehow. But Jisung wouldn't say anything. Maybe just hold his hand. Jisung gets anxious himself often, so he knows how it is. He wouldn't judge.

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