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⌦ 𝐻𝑦𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑛
⌦ 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1046


Jeongin walked along the winter streets in a beautiful Christmas evening. It was pretty dark already, but beautiful, in all different colors of Christmas lights shone in the dark and lighted the boy's way.

Jeongin was alone, and has always been. His mother has died because of a cancer, when Jeongin was still at very young age, so he didn't have any memories with his mom. Still, he somehow knew that his mother has been a very lovely person. His dad has never been supportive or anything like that. He disowned Jeongin and kicked him out right away, when the boy came out as gay, a few years ago.

Jeongin was lonely, but he had one friend, Seungmin, and as an amazing and understanding friend Seungmin is, he took Jeongin to live with him. Seungmin lived alone and his apartment was big enough for two people. Seungmin's parents were also very kind people and they loved Jeongin. Still, even though Jeongin had people who loved him, he felt lonely and like an outsider.

Jeongin was good at school, he had a job at a lovely cafe in the downtown, but still, he was pretty unhappy and sad, but mostly lonely.

It felt like his life was missing something, or his life was pretty empty from the beginning. Jeongin didn't know.

He walked quietly along the nearly emtpy streets until he reached a park. It was the familiar park for him, the one where he always came to as a kid, and not only as a kid, but always when he felt anxious, sad or just wanted to sit down in peace and take a deep breath. It was his safe place.

Now, when he walked around the park, memories became filling his mind. The ones, where he played and ran around happily, climbed into that one tree and nearly fell, hurting his elbow and knee, but still landing skillfully. But also the ones, when he ran to the park crying and sat down next to the tree, leaning on it and curling into himself. Those times, his dad didn't even look for him, he just forgot it and went to the bar and got wasted.

Jeongin sat down on the bench and leaned on it, sighing. He didn't even realize that there were tears rolling down his cheeks.

It was pretty cold, since it was winter and it was snowing gently. Little snowflakes landing on the ground and covering it, creating a white, sparkling snow cover.
Jeongin was wearing a puffy jacket, jeans, a scarf, a beanie and winter shoes, and he was quite warm and comfortable.

He sat there for half an hour and then realized that he had something in hand. It was a candle. Of course, he was out this late, because he wa supposed to go the grave yard and leave a candle at his mom's gravestone. It was something he did at every Christmas. Usually he brought flowers too, but it was too cold for them now.

So, he got up, wiped his tears and started walking once again. Luckily, he didn't have to walk long since the graveyard wasn't in a long distant from the park.

There was a few people on the streets in total. Most of the families must be celebrating together at their homes in this time. Eating under the candle lights, watching Christmas movies and just enjoying time with their families and relatives. It was something Jeongin had never experienced. Another tear rolled down, but he was quick to wipe it away.

He reached the graveyard and his feet unconsciously brought him to his mom's stone. It was gray and very simple, pretty joyless.

Jeongin took a matchbox out of his jacket's pocket and took one match out of there and lighted up the candle. Then he crouched down and put the candle in front of the gravestone, on the cold, hard and icy ground.

He stood back up and closed his eyes. He stood there for a few minutes, in silence.

He got startled by a hand touching his shoulder suddenly. He flinched and turned around.

"H-hey... I didn't meant to scare you, but... are you okay?" the stranger spoke softly. The person was a tall and very good looking boy, nearly the same age as Jeongin.

"U-umm yeah, I-I'm okay" Jeongin stuttered and turned to the gravestone in front of him.

"I'm sorry..." the stranger said suddenly after a little silence. Jeongin turned to look at him confused "Y-you know, for your loss" the stranger continued and pointed at the gravestone.

"O-oh... it's okay... she's my mom... she passed away when I was still a child" Jeongin explained quietly, feeling the tears in the corners of his eyes again.

"I'm so sorry... my name is Hyunjin, by the way" the boy named Hyunjin, spoke.

"I'm Jeongin" Jeongin said.

"Why are you here... at the graveyard, this late?" Jeongin asked and looked at Hyunjin who looked at the ground.

"My sister died a few years ago... she was my best friend..." Hyunjin explained quietly, and pointed at the different gravestone beside them, a few feets away.

"Oh, I'm sorry... but hey, don't worry, everything's gonna be okay... maybe not now, but soon it will" Jeongin said and smiled a little. After all, he still had hope and faith.

"Yeah, you're right..." Hyunjin said and smiled back.

"I guess I'm gonna go now... my friend is probably waiting for me" Jeongin said

"Oh, okay, maybe we'll see someday" Hyunjin said

"Yeah... hey, would it be okay if I got your number? Then we could maybe get to know each other, but only if you want to, so if you don't, that's okay to-" Jeongin ranted, but got interrupted.

"That would be great, thank you" Hyunjin said.

They shared their numbers and waved goodbye, both of them turning into different directions and walked away from each other.

When Jeongin was walking back home, he felt very comfortable for some reason. He didn't felt that lonely, tight and uncomfortable feeling in his chest. It was a good feeling he was feeling right now, and it made him smile.

Maybe, just maybe, everything was indeed going to be okay.

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