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⌦ 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒, ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1030


"Hyung?" a boy next to Minho asks, not even looking at the older.

"Hm?" the other replies, turning to look at the younger.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" the younger asks, still not looking at the other. His voice is small and quiet, nothing like Jisung. Because when Jisung speaks, his voice is loud, lively, and tone eager. When Jisung speaks, he's full of energy, but this Jisung right now, seems nothing but dull, tired and... dead. Minho frowns.

"What? Sung... I don't believe in such foolish and silly things... why do you ask?" the older asks, curious and confused.

"Just curious... I think I believe in ghosts, you know? I think ghosts are cool... I definitely wanna be one when I die" Jisung says, a little louder this time, like he's serious about the topic.

"Why do you want to be a ghost?" Minho asks. Now directing all of his attention fully onto the boy next to him on the couch. This isn't the first time Jisung is proposing his silly ideas to Minho that are so out of this world. Minho swears Han Jisung is gonna be the death of him.

"I want to haunt people I know, it would be so funny" Jisung says and Minho thinks he sounds... happy? excited? enthusiastic?

"Oh, really? But before that gotta live a loooong life that is ahead of you, you know?" Minho says.

"Yeah... but I would definitely haunt you... do some leg-pulls and pranks to you" Jisung says and sighs. He leans back on the couch so he's staring at the ceiling.

"Oh, come on, I'm two years older than you, I will more likely die before you" Minho speaks.

Jisung doesn't say anything more. Minho expects him to, though. But when nothing comes, silence surrounds them.

Minho is still looking at his boyfriend, the younger's words spinning in his head, messing up his thoughts.

"I love you" Minho decides to say out loud, because he simply feels like it. He also decides that he should definitely say that more often and he makes a promise with himself that he will.

"I love you too" Jisung says and moves so he is facing the other, looking at him expectantly. And Minho knows that face to well.

"What?" he teases even though he's well aware of what the other wants. He just wants to act difficult.

The younger whines.

"Cuddles..." he says shyly. Minho thinks the other is being so damn adorable right now, and he would never get himself to admit that out loud just how fond and in love he is, but it's okay. Minho isn't the best with words, but he tries his best and he knows Jisung knows that too.

"You want cuddles?" the older keeps teasing, causing the other to blush slightly. It was so adorable and so cute. Minho wants to squish the smaller boy and squeeze the life out of him and he does just that.

He darts forward and scoops the smaller boy into his arms snd squeezes tightly. Jisung leans his head on the older's shoulder and makes a happy sound. Rejoicing quietly how happy, comfortable and contented he is at the moment. And Minho is too. It feels nice to have the other as close as possible.

~ one year later ~

Minho sits on the cold couch in the cold living room. The apartment has been really cold lately, so Minho has an old blanket wrapped around himself to keep him warm. It feels like this old and worn out blanket is his only source of warmth these days. Everything just feels so cold, dull and lifeless. It isn't a new feeling, though. At least, not to Minho.

This past year, Minho has been so tired, feeling so exhausted and dead. He has no motivation to do anything, he can't get up from the bed and can't bring himself to do anything. He can't sleep, he can't eat, he can't go out- nothing. And Minho knows the reason behind this. And oh, how he hates it. He hates this so much.

Suddenly, his phone that lies on the couch next to him opens and a video starts playing. Minho gets startled at first but soon gets curious. He takes the phone and looks at it. The video playing is two years old, from Jisung's birthday. It was the last birthday he ever got to spend with Jisung and the last birthday Jisung ever got to spend with anyone.

A tear rolls down on Minho's cheek as he watches the video silently. Jisung smiles and laughs and looks so happy, genuinely happy and Minho wants to cry. Jisung seems so full of energy, so full of life. Minho misses him so fucking much.

The video lasts a few minutes and comes to its end. The phones closes but Minho just keeps staring at its black screen. More tears roll and make their way down Minho's cheeks.

He sniffles as suddenly a familiar voice speaks inside his head:

"Hyung? Do you believe in ghosts?"

"I definitely wanna be one when I die..."

"I would definitely haunt you"

Jisung's voice and once said words spins in Minho's head. Then suddenly everything becomes clearer and more lucid: all those voices inside his head and all those weird events happening that all somehow reminds Minho of Jisung... it can't be. Ghosts aren't real. Minho doesn't believe in ghosts.

Minho shivers violently but soon after starts to feel really warm. He gets feeling he always got when he hugged Jisung. A warm, comfortable and cozy feeling. It all becomes so overwhelming to Minho that he bursts fully on crying. He sobs and sobs and in his head begs Jisung to come back, alive and well. Because Minho doesn't believe in ghosts. He's just paranoid. This is all just paranoia or just a really sick joke.

Minho hates it so much.

Minho cries so hard that he forgets to breathe properly and soon passes out on the couch, surrounded by the familiar and warm feeling he once used to know so well.

"I love you too, Minho"

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