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⌦ 3𝑟𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑎
⌦ 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 343


Do you ever have those moments when you can't recall what you said just a few seconds ago? Like, did you spill too much or did you not tell enough details? What exactly was what you just blurted out aloud?

Jisung is having one of these moments. It's like he had been six feet under the surface, surrounded with water, not being able to hear his own voice at all, ears blocked. And this is the moment when he swims back up to the surface, takes a breath and he's able to hear again, clearer than ever.

He said something. He just knows. He knows because of the looks his two hyungs are shooting at him. He isn't sure if he can decipher them correctly though. Nevertheless, he knows he isn't leaving this studio tonight. He knows they're going to have a chat. He knows he's going to spill the remainders, everything to his hyungs, everything he's been gatekeeping and hiding behind his smiles.

Chan hyung's paler, eyes wide and locked to him. They shine with something like fear or worry, Jisung can't pinpoint it though. Changbin hyung looks more normal, expression rock hard and neutral, but eyes giving away a little bit of something like melancholic.

Jisung just knows, he should have kept his ugly mouth shut.

His shoulders are tense, body trembling slightly. His anxiety is used to creep up on him, surprising him sometimes. It just comes around the corner, all of a sudden, and then it leaves after taking all the confidence, security and certainty away with it.

And as much as Jisung sometimes feels like he's at the top of the world. A star. He knows he's nothing but a humane creature. Full of emotions, practised skills and full of flaws. Sweat, tears and blood.

And he has secrets as well. Don't we all? But how he feels like he's spilled too much but not enough to reveal the whole truth. He's under two heavy gazes that won't let him leave.


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