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⌦ 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑, 𝑖𝑛𝑗𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1022


"-ey, you hear me? You okay? Hey?" a distant and muffled voice spoke. Minho became confused. He was so sure he was dead. Wait- is he?

"Hey... are you okay? Please, wake up" the voice became clearer, louder and closer. Minho wanted to asnwer, but he couldn't.

Suddenly someone was shaking him by his shoulders, and that's when he came back to reality. His body woke up, bringing back all the pain of being beated up by five men and laying on the cold, hard asphalt for a few hours. His mind woke up, but his thoughts were blurry and unclear, his memory especially.

He opened his eyes, and his sight was blurry for a minute, but once he sat up, his sight and other senses got better and he became more aware of his surroundings.

As he was sitting, he felt a huge wave of pain in his head, making him groan in pain and put his hand on his head.

"Hey... you alright? Are you hurt? Can you tell me what happened?" the voice was still there.

Then Minho noticed the figure next to him. He turned his head slowly towards the figure, and saw a young man, crouching there, with a worried looking eyes and a small, warm and kind smile on his lips.

Minho was so confused.

"W-who... w-where...?" Minho wanted to ask so many questions, but his head was working too slowly and he was still too groggy to understand anything or form any proper sentences.

"My name is Chan... I found you lying here on the ground... do you remember what happened?" the Chan guy spoke, clearly concerned, but at least kept it calm and careful.

"I-I... I don't know..." was all Minho could explain. He looked around him. It was dark, only streetlights lightning the ground that was wet and there were puddles on the ground- probably from the rain. Minho remembered the heavy rain, before passing out. That made sense. He also noticed that it was some kind of a square- a parking lot? Minho then remembered the different kinds of cars being parked here in a messy rows, when he first had arrived here. It was still a day time, so right now it must be night.

Chan opened his mouth to say something, but Minho interrupted him.

"W-what... time?" Minho asked and turned to look at Chan.

"Ehh... it's one thirdy" Chan announced after he checked the time from his watch.

"Okay..." Minho said quietly.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"Ehh... do you have anywhere to go? Should I call someone?" Chan then asked.

"No no, no need, I-I think I can walk home... by myself" Minho said quickly. He wasn't sure if what he said was true, and if he was being honest, he would much rather stay in his place and sleep on the ground, than to walk home right now. He was tired, physically and mentally, and he was so sore; he didn't want to move at all.

"Okay...? Well then... can you stand?" Chan asked and stood himself up.

Minho watched him get up, and then himself, hesitantly put one feet on the ground and then the other and then with his shaking hands, he pushed himself up. He wobbled a bit, his legs being weak under his body's weight, but he managed to stay up.

Chan was close to him, afraid that the other would fall.

"Okay, okay... are you sure you can manage alone? I can help you..." Chan spoke and watch Minho.

Minho thought for a while.

"N-no, thanks tho... I think I'll manage..." he said, even flashed a small, weak smile, but just as he took a step, his legs gave up under him, and he fell. Luckily tho, Chan had fast reflects and caught the other, and stopped him from falling on the ground.

"Woah, careful there..." Chan said as he kept a firm hold onto the other.

"I-I'm sorry..." was all Minho could say. He felt sorry. For the stranger who was now forced to help him, because he himself couldn't even stand up without help. Minho felt weak and pathetic. He couldn't stand up himself. He couldn't manage alone...

"Hey, hey, it's okay, we can walk together, you just have to guide us tho" Chan spoke, giving a small smile for Minho to know that it wasn't a burden for him. Minho felt grateful.

"Okay... I'm Minho, by the way"


As they made it, very slowly, but carefully, to Minho's front door, they stopped.

"Hey, ehh, thank you..." Minho turned to look at Chan. Chan just smiled, wider this time.

"Ahh, don't thank me, it was no problem... but hey, what happened? Seriously... no one should be out there at night alone, laying on the parking lot, you could get hurt and seriously sick, you know?"

"I know... but I don't really want to talk about it... if that's okay" Minho spoke quietly.

"Okay... I understand, and that's completely okay, I won't push you, but hey, if I find you again like this, I will call someone and you will have to tell me, okay?" Chan spoke sternly, but stayed still calm.


"So, ehh, good night I guess, it's already so late, go get some sleep, okay?" Chan then spoke.

"Yeah, good night" Minho said and turned to unlock his door. Chan also turned on his heel, and started walking away.

Just when Minho was shutting the door behind him, he thought of something. He ran back outside.

"Hey, Chan!" he shouted at Chan. The other turned around and shouted back. "Yeah?"

"Can I maybe get your number? So I can text you at morning how I'm doing and stuff, so you wouldn't worry... only if you want so of course" Minho explained, too exhausted to even feel embarrassed anymore.

Chan walked back to him.

"Yeah, of course, that would be great"

They exchanged their numbers, and separated once again. Both walking into different directions.

I'll explain everything to you later, I promise.

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