Chapter 1

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Samantha's POV

     Life can be cruel.

     It can be peaceful at such rare times, but... I hate it. My name is Samantha Verona, and I live in a small village, not too far off from Sky Army Headquarters. "It's so they can assist us if we're raided," My father always tells me. Hah, what a rabbit's tail (our village's slang).

     At times, I would sneak out at night, which my parents told me not to do, and climb the highest tree I could find. Then I would stare out at the blocky horizon, watching the blood colored sunset. It relaxed me a little bit, but I couldn't focus on it for very long. My mother said I've been diagnosed with ennui, which is rare but dangerous. I think it's something else, like my brain is whirling to remember something long forgotten... Little did I know that this life was about to drastically change.

     A sudden groan of a zombie snatched my attention, and I looked down, spotting a horde of them. It would be best to stay here for the rest of the night at this rate, even if my parents yell at me. I curled up on a strong limb of the tree, close to dozing off when I heard a scream. My head shot up, my gaze shooting everywhere. It had come from the village. I slid down the long vines, landing on the grass blocks with a gentle thump. Then I started running, faster than a creeper, faster than I had ever in my whole life.

     I spotted smoke above the trees just before I reached the edge of the thick forest. Fire was burning everywhere as lightning cackled above, ashes everywhere. All familiar landmarks were gone. Greatly disturbed, I stumbled past things I wished I had never seen until I came to the spot where my home once stood. Now it was just a heap of rubble.

     A cry escaped me, and I fell to my knees, sobbing. Everything and everyone I knew, gone, just like that... A sudden prickling on my nape alerted me. I was being watched. I tipped my head up to see someone watching me from a distance. My heart beated wildly when I saw the eyes. No! I blindly scrambled to my feet. He's supposed to be a myth! I tore my gaze away from the teal colored shirt and ran the opposite direction, as far away as I could. I had to get away, away from here, away from this grief. Guilt tore through my heart. This is all my fault! I wailed inwardly. I should have been there to protect my village, but I failed them!

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