Chapter 15

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Samantha's POV

     "Get down!" I ducked past Jason- no, his name's currently WitherMU if I can recall- before he could throw a Wither bomb at me. He blew up a tree, which topped to the side and caught my leg. I let out a screech of alarm and pain, falling down and smashing my head against the ground. My vision went blurry, and I could hear WitherMU chuckling at his easy win.

     "Jason... Please..." I whispered before closing my eyes, accepting the coming fate. I heard a thumping sound and a scratchy inhuman wail. I was dimly aware of the tree releasing its piny grip (haha, get it? No? ok...) from me, and I heard series of flapping sounds.

     "Miss us?" I weakly opened my eyes.


     "Yup!" She pulled me to my feet, giving me a great view of the battle. StormySkies, ThunderStorm, two others of her friends, Kittinpaws and...

     "Ty!?" I called out blindly, my vision still a little blurry. He didn't hear me though.

     "That's for hurting Samantha!" He snarled, scratching WitherMU. He let out a gargling snarl before dropping to the ground at Ty's feet. Ty was about to slam him with a branch when I sprang forward and grabbed his arm.

     "No don't!" He turned to me, his eyes flickering purple here and there. "Ty." I pleaded, stretching up slightly and kissing him briefly. He blinked his eyes, which turned back to normal.

     "I almost lost control..." He threw the branch to his side and looked back at Jason, who was back to normal again but unconscious. Then he turned to me. "What was with the kiss?" He asked. I took a deep breath when Seto pulled something out from his cloak's pocket.

     "Here, take this." Ty hesitantly guzzled the Memory Potion down, standing still for a moment before staggering backward. I grabbed his wrists so he wouldn't faceplant. His eyes finally focused, and he stared at me.

     "Samantha..." He moved forward and hugged me. I hugged back, not wanting to let go.

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