Chapter 35

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Taylor's POV

"Wake up mortal!" A rough voice hissed softly. Someone nudged me, and I grunted softly while turning over, away from him or her.

"Five more minutes..." I murmured, keeping my eyes closed. Another nudge.

"It's either you and your friends wake up and come with me or be bait to the other!"

"Alright fine I'm up!" I snapped, opening my eyes. Bad idea, as the SandWing that was guarding us earlier was only a few inches away from me. I yelped in surprise and backed away, intimidated by the large muzzle. "Uh..." I trailed off.

"Why am I helping you?" I nodded. "Well, Ender is my friend. Y'all are friends of hers, so it's narrowed down to simple figuration." I managed to stand up as the dragon assisted me with its muzzle. I flinched before giving it an awkward pat.

"... thanks." I muttered, looking around. "Where are the others?"

"I already relocated them. You're the last mortal because you fell asleep ater your quarrel." My lower lip frowned in a pouting gesture.

"That's none of your business." I growled.

"Indeed it's not. Shall we get going?" I crossed my arms and stared back at the cat-like eyes, which seemed to stare at me with a question: why do you hesitate?

"... Fine." I sighed. The dragon took a step forward until its wing covered me, then crouched down, shrouding me in darkness. I panicked for a moment as I heard a whooshing sound, and fidgeted as the ground seemed to disappear. The air became stuffy for a moment too, almost as if I was suffocating. Then the darkness was pulled back after the sound effects stopped, and I was blinded by the sun's light rays. I grunted and pulled my arm over my eyes to shield them. Then after a moment, I pulled my arm away, revealing my comrades, who were smiling at me happily, looking relieved that we were all together. We were free.

"Hey you guys!" I cried out, hugging the nearest person, who turned out to be Dan. He blushed slightly as I continued to hug the others.

"How did that dragon-?" I asked as I turned around at the dragon, only to discover that he was gone. "Of course." I muttered as Samantha giggled like a child. I stared back at her in surprise.

"I've never heard you, of all people, giggle before." I challenged. She grinned and giggled again. Ty smirked and then poked her ribcage.

" 'ey!" She squealed, jumping away from him. I smiled evilly, getting the idea that Ty was inducing, and tackled her. She squeaked in alarm as she went down, and I tickled her sides. She yelped while laughing as she writhed back and forth, trying to escape me.

"Get her!" Adam was suddenly at my side, tickling me too. I shrieked in pleasant surprise and fell over, Adam going down with me. Samantha was on her side, gasping for air and- Did I see tears on her? She was crying so hard that her sides were heaving as she wheezed, still shaking with laughter. I was crying with laughter myself as well by the time Adam finally gave up on tickling me, while everyone else started tickling each other, allowing me to get up.

Which I didn't. I squeezed my eyes shut, letting the laughter and tears of joy block out my troubles. I'm so glad that they are my friends.

I peeked through my eyelids, spotting Ty pinning Samantha to the ground. They were just staring at each other with smiles, then Ty leaned forward and they met. I smiled at the romantic motion.

Too bad we can't be this carefree all the time.

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