Chapter 22

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Seto's POV

     Herobrine suddenly stopped in his tracks, with a surprised expression before it turned into a smirk.

     "I'll spend my social time with you guys later. SmaugTDM will keep you and the nearby town quite occupied." He threw down a potion and disappeared with a puff of smoke.

     "Dang it!" I sighed as the shield faded away.

     "What did he mean by SmaugTDM?" A new voice asked. I whirled around to see Ian walk up to us.

     "Ian!?" Adam questioned. He nodded, grinning.

     "In the flesh and blood!" He replied proudly. I smiled.

     "Well, Little Square is the nearest town, which means-" I suddenly felt a tremor in the ground. A roar reverberated through the night air as fire illuminated the sky, outdoing the stars.

     "Oh no." Ty grabbed his bow that was swung over his back and started running in the direction of the smoke.

     "Ty!" I yelled after him. He didn't listen and disappeared from view.

     "Ian go after him!" I yelled, squinting after him as he chased Ty. Then I realized something else. Samantha still wasn't back. I swear, if someone so much as laid a finger on her... I snarled wordlessly before summoning my magic to surround me.

     "Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah!" Adam yelped, waving his hands in front of me. "Where're you dashing off to?"

     "To find Samantha." I replied grimly before shooting into the air. I got a great view of what was going on as the back of my head touched the clouds.

     First of all, there was a humongous creature that looked like a giant dragon without wings making its way quickly to another dragon. The other dragon was.... looking a lot like Smaug from the Hobbit I guess (derp).

     Focus Seto, focus! If something happens to Samantha Verona, I'll never forgive myself... Ever.

     I flew beside the wingless dragon, noticing a familiar neko sitting on its shoulder.

     "Oh thank Notch." I sighed, landing beside her. Samantha started in surprise.

     "Seto?" She asked. I hugged her, still relieved at finding her.

     "Uh... Seto? You ok?" She asked. I realized my action, and quickly pulled back.

     "Uh yeah, I just breathed in a little smoke- listen, we gotta go." I distracted her.

     "What about Wildstar?" I notice her nod to the beast below our feet,

     "I'm quite sure she can take care of herself. Right?" I didn't wait for an answer, wrapping my arms around her waist and lifting us both into the air with magic again. She yelped and hugged me, so I looked away from her and focused on the other dragon.

     "I guess that's SmaugTDM." I observed.

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