Chapter 3

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Samantha's POV

     My eyes opened to a white ceiling. I heard a light beeping, which made me sit up. My muscles screamed in protest as I did.

     "I wouldn't do that." I turned to the side to see a girl next to me. She had a purple hood on, covering her  faded purple t-shirt. She was also wearing slightly tattered jeans, different colored cloths patching them up. The weird thing was that she had pure white wings, cat ears and a tail. I blinked at her.

     "Am I in the Aether?" I asked. She started laughing.

     "No no no, don't worry." She grinned. "Notch sent me to Sky Army as a healer, to help General Sky since he's in charge of the largest Army."

     "Mm." I pulled myself out of the bed, managing to stand up. She rushed over to me, balancing my as I regained my senses.

    "You should rest." I shook my head.

     "I can't. I have to talk to the General..." I wheezed. She sighed.

     "Fine, I'll help ya. I'm Kittinpaws, by the way." She added.

     "Samantha Verona." She nodded.

     "I'll send a guard to let General Sky know you're coming." I looked around the hospital room as Kittinpaws called a guard over, explaining my desire to talk. The place was well decorated, and it wasn't entirely iron either. There were a lot of gold blocks too, but it felt wrong for some reason to call it gold...

     "Alright." Kittinpaws threw her arm over my shoulders, making her a lean-to. "Let's go talk to da Budder King."

Ty's POV

     One useful thing about being a descendant of the EnderDragon is Shadow Travel. I can simply go into a shadow and be invisible to others. If I choose to, at least.

     Now I was observing the girl I had rescued. She was pretty energetic, and friendly, a couple of useful attributes for a Recruit. Kittinpaws, an Aether angel that Notch sent for us, was now helping her walk to talk to Sky.

     Sky and I have known each other for a long time, ever since we were kids. We were raised separately, but we ran away from our homes and found ourselves side by side. He always wore sunglasses, but he never told me why. I never questioned it, though. I respected his privacy...

     Then there's Jason. We ran into him on a raiding against a dungeon. He was really quiet, and always wore his space suit. Again, I never questioned it. Once he got to know us, we all became best friends. We all joined the Army and became its leaders. Us and some of our other friends.

     I shook myself out of my nostalgia and backed into the shadows as the two girls left the hospital room. I'll tell Sky myself that they're coming.

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