Chapter 44

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3rd Person POV




     "Shut up!" Herobrine snarled, smashing his fist against a pillar, breaking it into small tiny pebbles. "Just shut up!"

     "Oh please, is that how you treat the future Minecraftian rulers?" One voice sneered.

     "Notch and I will never allow it, Enderlox!"

     "Who said we need your allowing, 'Hero'-brine?" He gritted his teeth at the comment.

     "Who said you didn't, WitherMU!?"

     "Aw, I think you pulled a nerve!" The third crowed.

     "This is none of your concern, Skybrine!"

     "Actually it is, had you not kidnapped Sky, TruMU and Deadlox years ago and experimented on them, we wouldn't be here with out you."

     "Your point!?" Herobrine demanded.

     "Your daughter will die at my hands!"

     "Hang on." Herobrine was obviously surprised to hear Enderlox's protest, because he fell silent. "I actually have an alternate solution."

     "Go on, Enderlox, amuse me." Skybrine sneered.

     "EnderShade may be in the real world, but NightShade is still with Samantha Verona. I propose that she becomes the queen of the End." There was silence.

     "WHAT!?" Herobrine squawked, his hands simmering with sparks.

     "Yes indeed, what!?" WitherMU exclaimed.

     "Well why not? She carries NightShade's spirit, and she is brother with-"

     "I don't care if she's a sorceress! She doesn't know that she's related to the strongest one in the entire universes, real world and Minecraftia! I will not-"

    "Um, Skybrine?"


     "There are no sorcerers in the Real World."

     "Well actually there's-"

     "You know what he means, but I will not allow this to happen!" Herobrine was furious, clenching and unclenching his burning fists as he spoke to the voices of the Three.

    ". . . Pity, everyone except me just left." WitherMU admitted.

     "Fine, then relay this message."

    "I'm all ears."

     "All three pairs?"

    "Very funny."

     "If any of you hurt your human hosts, Samantha Verona or the Sorcerer or any one of their friends, you all will do far more than be chained in the deepest pits of the Void beyond the Nether when you are all imprisoned again!" He got no reply. They were long gone.

Samantha's POV

     "We're now here..." Adam said in wonder, staring up at the giant wooden doors before us.

     "Wowza, it's huge." Taylor breathed. Kittin and Kayla nodded mutely in awed silence.

     "... It's not too shabby." Ant admitted, still looking up. Amy scoffed.


     "Well I think it's epic." Ashyln shyly added, fortunately cutting Amy off.

     "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Dan said enthusiastically, going up to the door. I heard a snap as he approached it.

     "Wait!" I summoned my Ender, grabbed his arm and pulled him back just before the ground gave out where he was standing. Jason crept forward cautiously to view what ever was below.

     "Woah..." We all peered down the crevace, and my heart hammered against my chest. Yawning deep deep deep deep deep down was the abyss.

     "You just saved my life." Dan was wide eyed, backing away from the edge. "Th-thank you, so much."

     "No problem." I sighed in relief, dusting of a bit of string as Jordan walked around the hole in the ground, then pushed the massive door open with both hands.

     "Well then; let's go." He narrated, looking back at us. Seto suddenly pushed his way through our crowding up to Jordan.

     "I'll go first." Jordan nodded, stepping back as Seto stepped forward, with one hand extended. There was a small flash, and then flames danced on his palm. He raised his hand, sending the magenta flames forward into the darkness. A moment later, there was a spark, and unlit torches with in the castle were lit with purple dancing at their tips. Seto then turned to us and jerked his head to the entrance.

     "Stay close." He murmured, then entered the huge room. One by one, we all filed in, me and Adam being the last.

     "Come on guys, let's go!" Ty urged. Adam took a step forward when his step broke something, and I heard a click.

     "Ty!" I yelled, realizing that Adam had just activated something. "Get out of here!" The doors suddenly swung shut, almost crushing Ty had he not been pulled back by Wildstar. "Ty!" I screamed, running up to the door. "Ty?" I banged against the door. "Please answer!"

     "...That was too close." I sighed in relief.

     "Thank God you're alright. Y-you are alright, right?"

     "Yeah, we're ok. But listen, we're gonna have to continue, and you and Adam are gonna have to find another way in."

     "Try the dungeons, Samantha." I jumped when I heard the new voice, and Adam looked at me weirdly.


     "Yeah... I am a sorcerer, but I didn't really think this would work. It seems my hypothesis was right..."

     "What hypothesis?"

     "Ok, look, that's not the point. Try to find a way underground; be careful, Samantha."

     "Ok... and the both of you be ok."

     "Will do."


     "So now what?" Adam asked. I turned to him.

     "We gotta look for the dungeon entrance."

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