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We made it back home after my hospital checkup, met with the others, told them the bad news, and headed to our dorms, except for me. I went somewhere else to get some alone time and stayed there, despite Ty really wanting to keep me company. And I went somewhere no one would really expect me to. As it turns out, Blaze had guided Felix safely back too, which is why he suddenly went missing. But Blaze was gone now too since Seto... my throat clenched at the thought of him. I missed him so so much. I swallowed hard and took a deep shaky breath, sitting in Seto's dorm room, on the bed across his bookshelf that had its books only on opposite sides and not the middle, in a suffering silence. There was a funeral for him, a proper burial. He had gotten a black coffin with silver edging, but it was one of those coffins that you're not supposed to bury, but instead set it in front of the headstone. The worst part was that no one except me and Ty knew his real name. It was near impossible for me to stand my ground and not run to the graveyard and want to bury myself.

     I sniffled and buried my head in my hands, feeling tears surface for the trillionth time that day. I can't believe that I didn't suspect that he was my brother, after all these years of searching for me, we had finally found each other, only for him to be taken away from me. It hurt, the pain in my chest. The more I thought about it, the more my mind couldn't wrap around the fact that Seto, Harvey, aka my brother, was gone. All these years of denying any possible thread of hope that he was still alive, and he was right by my side when I first went to this college.

     I looked up, still crying, and noticed a book on Seto's bookshelf that looked like it was about to fall off. I sniffed and wiped the tears off my face before getting up and walking over to it. I ran my index finger down the binder of it, seeing the title. Warriors: Into the Wild. I managed a small grin at the memory it brought; he had read it to me when I was really young, when I was still a toddler learning how to talk. But it didn't chase away the grief that ached in my chest.

     I picked it up when I heard something click. Curious, I looked back at where the book had been. There was a switch concealed in a small crack at the back of the shelf. Mystified, I flicked it, and the bookshelf suddenly started pulling itself in half until it revealed a yawning staircase. I grabbed a flashlight that was hanging by my cloak, and I flicked the light on before I started climbing down, one hand clutching the book to my chest as if for protection while the other shakily held the source of light.

     At the bottom of the stairs was a door. It creaked as I slowly opened it and walked past it, and it creaked back shut with a slam. Torches that were extinguished were automatically lit, purple fire dancing at their tips. Did Seto do this? How long would it take to make a spell like that? I wondered, my tears forgotten. The room had one huge bookshelf stretched around the entire room, and there was a table in the middle that had one large and thick book on it, as well as a red cloth cover on it, exactly like an enchantment table. I slowly approached it when I heard a voice.

     "Hello there Master, what can I do for you? Have you seen Master Seto, pardon me for asking?" I yelped in alarm and jumped forward while turning around. The hologram that looked exactly like Seto jumped back in surprise. "My apologies Master, I didn't mean to alarm you." He apologized, cringing a little bit before me. I stared at him, my lower lip trembling. He was just like Blaze, he looked like Seto but he wasn't him. The thought made me start crying again and slump to the floor, hugging my knees and crying, the book and flashlight slipping out of my hands.

     "Master, what's wrong?" The Hologram crouched down in front of me, frowning in concern. I let out a small hiccup and kept crying.

     "M-My brother i-is gone a-and I now feel so-o alone." I sobbed, resting my forehead on my knees and gripping my shoelaces tightly. The hologram went silent.

     "I-is this-does this have something to do with Master Seto?" I looked up at him with glassy eyes.

     "Y-yes..." I croaked, still crying.

     "Oh..." He trailed off, then quietly added, "My apologies Master, but I was not created for comfort in situations like this."

     "It's fine." My voice cracked as I lied, rubbing my eyes and trying to free myself of the tears as I briefly wondered why he was calling me Master.

     "I was, however, created for advice." The hologram offered. My visible grief went silent as I peered up at him.

     "Well to start off, what's your name?" I asked. The hologram beamed, obviously glad that I asked.

     "My name is AlterSorcerer, and I was created by Master Seto to protect his sister, you Master, as well as to assist him and you in many tasks."

???'s POV

     I found myself wandering aimlessly through a blocky dead snow forest, leaving square footprints behind me. Why am I here? What am I doing? What am I meant to do? I shivered and pulled my hoodie over my head, and wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck to keep myself warm as it started to snow. Then I spotted a wolf, lying injured in the snow. I didn't hesitate to rush over to it and kneel down beside it while practically ripping my cloak and scarf off of me and covering the wolf with it to keep him or her warm. It whined and tried to lift its head, revealing its wound on its neck.

     "Shh shh shh, lie down." I gently pushed its muzzle back down, then held my hands together. I pulled them apart a moment later to reveal a small orb of purple light. It hovered between my hands as I carried it over to the wound, then it was absorbed. I watched with a caring affection as the wound healed itself, and the wolf got up. I lowered my eyes to its paws, showing submission to it and that I meant no harm in its presence. The wolf howled to the full moon above me, and then nudged my shoulder before slipping out from under my cloak and bounding past me. I heard a chuckle behind me, and I turned to see a man. He was in his Minecraft skin, so I knew who it was.

     "What am I doing here?" I asked as he pat the white wolf's head.

     "Redemption." He said simply. He nodded to me, and I looked down. I was dissipating into thin air, into numbers from down up. My feet were already gone, and my legs were in progress. I panicked.

     "W-wait, what's going on!?" I asked. Notch pulled his brown cape off and buckled it around the wolf's neck, which sat down beside him.

     "You're being re-coded into Minecraftia. From there, you can make your way back to Earth."


     "Simple. You deserve another chance for all the good in your heart. You lost your life before you could share that good with anyone. Here's some advice. When you get back to the real world? Get a girl."

     "I, I..." My hands were disappearing now, and my waist. "But-but I have no way to repay you for this kind deed!"

     "You already did." He scratched behind his wolf's ears, and I understood.

     "The wolf. It was a test to see just how good I am." I guessed. He nodded as my midriff faded into thin air.

     "Of course, I can heal my own wolf, and plus, Snowie's immortal like me." The wolf gave me a bold stare, as if to say "Hi, don't mess with my Master and we're ok." I would have waved hi or something if half of my body wasn't gone. By now, my shoulders were starting to be de-crypted.

     "I-I guess I should say thank you before I go?" I assumed. Notch's eyes went dark.

     "The goodness inside of you is not entirely why I am re-encrypting you back." He said in an ominous way. "You're needed. The dragon's have found out about my brother's true allegiances, they took him to Dracaria, which made him loose his powers. But that's not why. The dragons have found a portal in their world. And the Portal leads to Earth." I widened my eyes.

     "Then that means..." He nodded.

     "Earth is in mortal danger. They need you." I closed my eyes as my vision started to turn into a billion numbers. "I wish you luck..."

The End...?

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