Chapter 43

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     I didn't speak to anyone as we started walking again, seeing Herobrine's mansion in the far distance. Ty tried to speak to me at one point, and even NightShade and Enderlox tried to talk to me. I simply ignored them, lost in thought. I almost wandered away from the group a few times, had Seto not nudged me back on track.

     "You ok?" He asked again, guiding me back to the group again. I nodded mutely, just staring at him. He looked genuinely concerned, while the others respected my shock and stayed away, well except Ty, but Adam had coaxed him away. "If you need anything, let me know." He assured me. I blinked at him and stopped walking, suddenly filled with frustration at his care.

     "I'm fine!" I suddenly snapped, my eyes flashing purple. "Stop acting like I'm your responsibility, because I'm not!" He stopped, hurt reflecting in his eyes.

     "... I'm sorry." He murmured. "You're right, but..." My anger faded, replaced by guilt.

     "N-no it's not you... I-I just..." I sighed and placed my hands on top of my head. "I've just been so stressed lately..." Seto cautiously placed his hand on my shoulder.

     "That is understandable..." He sympathized, obviously glad I was opening up to someone, especially him. "Just try to relax, ok? Enjoy Minecraftia while you can. We're almost at the end of our journey. All we have to do is face Herobrine and then we can go home." I let my hands drop, slowly nodding as a snowflake danced past me.

     "... Thank you, Seto." I murmured. "You've been there for me for a very long time." He gave me a small encouraging smile as the snow started falling harder.

     "You're welcome." He looked over at the others, then added, "Come on, before they leave us." I nodded and followed him, trekking through the snow and then set a pace beside Ty. I then noticed how much snow was collecting on the ground.

     "Just try to relax, ok? Enjoy Minecraftia while you can," Seto had said. Enjoy while you can, huh? I smirked, stooping down to ground and collecting some of the snow, packing it into a ball shape. He did say that, so why not put his words as literal?

     "Hey Seto!" I hurled the snowball, hitting him square in the shoulder blades. He turned in surprise, confusion on his face until he realized what had happened while Ty snerked.

     "Hey!" He smiled, picking some of the snow up and hurling it back. I dodged out of its path in time, but I can't say the same for Ty. The snowball hit him square in the face, knocking him back as he yelled in alarm.

     "Agh!" He exclaimed, starting to laugh. "Why you do dis!?" Pretty soon, the three of us were trying to get each other, the others getting mauled with the white powdery snow in the process. Then they joined in, and the chaos began.

     "Where's Samantha!?" I heard Adam yell. "I have a vendetta to settle!" I was hiding behind Ian, who was trying to remain neutral.

     "No please dood, no!" He yelled as I smacked him with a snowball before prancing away. "Agh! Samantha!" I snickered, running behind a tree to avoid Ian's snowball. I waited a moment as Ian and Mitch were fighting with their own snowballs and dueling with the girls, and then I peered around the tree to see if he'd find me when I felt something cold hit me on the shoulder.

     "Gotchya." I whirled around as Seto tossed a snowball around in his hands, smirking. He summoned another one with his magic before hurling both of them at me. I ducked and then jumped, managing to avoid both of them. I then tackled him, and we both went down. We laughed, then Seto tried to summon another when I snatched it from his hand. "Aw." He made a sad face while I pinned him down, still holding the snowball just inches away from his face.

     "Now I got you." I smirked, and then broke the snowball on to his chest, smudging the red creeper face design with the white snow. He squirmed under my weight.

     "It's cold!" He wailed, laughing.

     "You're a sorcerer; keep yourself warm!"

     "Fair point." He admitted, then threw me off him. I sprawled in the snow, not getting up. I just laid there, staring up at the sky as it stopped snowing and revealed the sun . "What are you doing?" He asked, wandering over to me with a small purple flame in his hands. I beamed up at him.

     "I'm enjoying Minecraftia while I can." I replied softly, not even caring that I was getting cold. He extinguished the fire in his hands, then sat down next to me.

     "All right, all right. I'm seeing what you're seeing." He admitted, looking up at the sky in admiration whilst fingering the snow beside him. "It is nice." I turned my head to face him, for some reason wanting to ask him something.

     "Seto. Are you sure we'll be able to get out of here by defeating Herobrine? What if we're stuck here forever?" I asked softly. He rested his hand on mine, staring at me.

     "Then me and Ty will take care of you and the others. But I know that each and every one of us will make it back home." I suddenly felt a surge of affection for the sorcerer, not in a romantic way, but a protective and reassuring way.

     "Promise?" He smiled.

     "I promise."

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