Chapter 33

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Samantha's POV

Loud shrieks penetrated my ears, waking me up. There were more purple dragons... Of course. Great! I thought sarcastically. What's next, more hybrid Youtubers!?

"Get them!" One dragon snarled. The dragons sprang forward, ready to take us on. I jerked onto my feet to stand beside my friends, some of which were already ready to run at the dragons.

"Surrender now, or be devoured!" I was suddenly lifted by my midriff, making me shriek. I was still really sore and still wounded badly. "... or your precious girl will suffer the consequences." The dragon snarled in a baritone, holding me against its chest to keep me immobile. I still managed to struggle until his talons started pushing against my almost fractured ribs. I noticed that my friends were ready to fight for me, so I croaked "Stop... It's not... worth it anymore..." My voice was flat with defeat as they stared at me incredulously.

"I won't stop fighting." Ty snarled, summoning a fireball.

"Ty..." I murmured, staring him in the eyes. "Stop..." He stared back, unblinking before silently snarling and dissipating the fireball, allowing the dragons to chain him as they already did to the others.

"You are a wise one, mortal." The dragon gave me a rough nuzzle before flapping its wings and gaining height into the air. The other dragons grabbed the others and followed the dragon carrying me. I squirmed in its grip as we passed into a huge desert, nothing but sand blocks and cactus' for terabites. Then the dragon suddenly swooped downward, landing next to a mud-brick house. The dragon shoved me in the house, then a moment later Ty was jostled beside me as the door was locked. All we had was a tiny window.

"Your friends will be returned later. We're interrogating them." Then they were gone. We were all alone.

"... So did you notice that Felix somehow slipped away?" I spoke up.

"Really? When?"

"After Jordan joined our group. Not only that, but... I think Jordan got captured."

"That's not good..." Then we both went silent.



"Do you think we'll make it out of Minecraft? Ever?" I was straining to hold myself together, but the thought had nagged me for a while now. He seemed to sense that, because he walked over to me and hugged me.

"Of course we will." I flinched against Ty when an eggshell was suddenly thrown through the window.

"Geez! What are we, their garbage disposal!?" I grumbled, kicking the remains of the sharp shatters away from our feet. Ty chuckled, wrapping his wings around me.

"I'll protect ya from the mean shell-heads." I glared at him playfully, glad for the brief distraction.

"I feel so safe already." I replied in a monotone, grinning in response. Then the humor died from our eyes slowly.

"SO do you think we'll be... eaten? I mean they've already taken an egg and tossed the shell at the window!" He hugged me tighter.

"If they do, they'll have a hard time catching us." He vowed. I snuggled against him, wishing he were capable of keeping my troubles away. I sighed slowly, then closed my eyes to gain as much energy as I could in our likely short time. Ty was right. They'd have a hard time catching us. So I had to be ready for an escape plan.

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