Chapter 13

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Wildstar's POV

     "I'm back!" I called out. No response. That's wierd. All of my friends were missing. Did something happen to them? I made my way to Samantha's room. She wasn't there. There was a note on her bed though.

     I picked it up and read it:

Expirement #42502-

     We have your friend, surrender now, or we will send not only mine and the squid's armies, but we will reawaken the Bane of Kings, and all of your friends, family, and descendants will be devoured, tortured, killed, and/or enslaved. Surrender, or die! The choice, is yours to make.


     Oh no. No. I know exactly what this means. Herobrine. He's going to summon the Three. If he came here, then there must be a portal somewhere...

     I turned tail to my computer, using the occulos rift (Felix finished making it turn virtual to reality, actually) Enhanced and typed in /Portal Home. There, it worked! The portal shined into the room, and Galapagos, StormySkies, ThunderStorm, and MageStrom were at my side.

     "Galapagos, StormySkies, ThunderStorm, MageStrom! Let's go kick some demotrian tail!" We jumped into the portal, and darkness crashed on my vision before giving away. I gasped in surprise at who stared at us, startled for being caught off guard. Enderlox!?

     "Well well well..." He spoke in a raspy voice. "What have we here? Kittens?"

     "Dragons?" I shot back, growling.

     "Hmph, maybe not. Would you like a lesson?" He shot up into the air, throwing a fireball at us.

     "Duck!" We separated while I caught the attack, reflecting it back to Enderlox. He easily dodged it, grinning as he landed beside me. His tail hit me, making me fall to the ground. He spat flames at ThunderStorm, who was trying to get to me. He leaped forward and sank his fangs in StormySkies' arm. She let out a wail.

     "Wildstar!" I pounced on Enderlox's back, scratching his wings. He let out a strangled cry, falling on his knees. I shivered at how familiar it sounded. Hang on- Enderlox, Deadlox, Ty!?

     Enderlox growled and managed to buck me off of his back, hissing and whimpering. He suddenly jerked back and fell on the ground, pressing his hands against his ears. MageStrom and Galapagos hissed, ready to finish him off when I suddenly said "Wait."

     I crept over to Enderlox, who was twitching back and forth before his wings and tail disappeared. He slowly stopped moving and opened his eyes.

     They weren't purple anymore.

     They were red.


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