Chapter 6

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Samantha's POV

     I sprinted past Sky and Ty, swerving around the corner to see one guy with a dark blue shirt, black jacket and pants, and the other with a black outfit and orange checkered tie. Both were laughing and yelling at each other.

     Sky sighed exasperatedly and adjusted his cape.

     "Ian. Bodil." He muttered. "How long will you two keep trolling each other?"

     "Until I'm even with him!" One exclaimed, pointing at the other who was laughing madly.

     "But your face expression!" He shouted back in a familiar accent. Ian rolled his eyes, still chuckling.

     "Yeah yeah yeah..." he grumbled. Ty walked up to Bodil and gestured to him.


     "Awww." Bodil whined, giving him the blocks in his hand. Ty smirked before stuffing it in his pocket and crossing his arms.

     "And shouldn't you be training the new Recruits?"

     "They've already been taught the basics." Ian butted in. Ty glared at him, still grinning.

     "Then you get to train this new one." It took me a moment to notice that they were all staring at me.

     "Me?" I squeaked. Sky nodded.

     "Ian and Bodil will train you in the basics, but Ty will assess you."

     "But what about-?"

     "We're preparing you for the worst." He cut me off before I could say His name. "You never know what Notch throws at you in life." I understood his tactic. He didn't want to arouse panic, even if I really did see Herobrine. I took a deep breath before nodding.

     "I'll do it." Sky nodded.

     "Ian you're teaching her today, Bodil has business to attend to."

     "I do?" Bodil questioned at the same time as Ian asked "What?"

Ian's POV

     "What?" I blurted out.

     "Yes, you're training Samantha in fighting without a weapon." Sky called Bodil over, then he and Ty left, leaving me and Samantha alone.

     "So..." Samantha trailed off.

     "Right." I cleared my throat. "We may as well practice here, in this clearing." The hall we were in was cut off at the end with an awning, leading to a small pasture fenced in. It would be useful for fighting.

     "Shall I just try to fight you first?" I blinked in surprise.

     "If you want." Defeat could inspire her to be more quick in learning, so perhaps it would help.

     She suddenly sprinted at me with a downward punch, making me duck and narrowly be missed. she jumped over me, whirling on her heel and catching me on the shoulder. I flew backward and hit a tree with a thump. I jumped up and hit the tree, pushing myself over her as she ran at me. I hit her and rolled to the ground. Undaunted, she lept back up on her feet, ready for more. I noticed a burning hunger for violence in her eyes, matching the blood red irises.

     Who taught her how to fight? I narrowly missed another punch, throwing one myself. She deflected it with her elbow and punched my wrist. I grunted in pain as it snapped. She immediately froze, the hunger in her eyes gone.

     "Oh my Notch, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, guilt flooding her eyes.

     "Nah, it's fine." I gritted my teeth. Truthfully, my broken wrist was throbbing. "Where did you learn to fight like that?"

     Samantha froze, blinking her eyes a few times. "I don't know." She whispered.

     "I don't know..."

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