Chapter 10

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HuskyMudkipz POV

     I burst through the surface, taking in a cool breath of air. I absolutely love the water, but I can only hold my breath for a day. I'm getting better, and I am a Mudkip after all.

     I waded through the shallows, basking in the sunlight. It was a clear day, so I was going to enjoy it. I shook off the water on me before beginning my walk to return to Sky Army headquarters.

     I heard a distant rumbling, which made me look up. The sky was starting to get darker, threatening to rain. That was weird. It was bright and sunny just a minute ago. I picked up my pace and broke into a run.

Samantha's POV

     "WHAT!?" I shrieked. Seto jumped in surprise, while Ty started shaking slightly. "What do you mean by that!? We've lived here all of our lives!" I spat angrily.

     "Eh- We've known each-each other from another world. A-And if what you say is true, then do you have childhood memories?" Seto stammered. My scowl faded into a thoughtful frown. Come to think of it... I don't remember anything past walking home with my parents to our home...

     "Do you have proof?" I asked, my anger slowly disappearing. Seto nodded, running to a corner of his room, where a curtain covered something. He pulled it back, revealing a rainbow colored potion.

     "This will give you back your memories of the other worlds." He picked up the bottle, turning back to me. "But side effects can be headaches, insomnia- Ty? Are you ok?" I whipped my head around to see Ty shaking. He was gritting his teeth, as if in pain. He started growling when I stepped in front of him. I gasped. His eyes were no longer red, but purple!

     "Ty?" I asked softly. I jumped back when he snarled, wings and a tail suddenly whipping beside him. Seto gasped and muttered something under his breath.

     "Should...known...lox." Thanks to my sharp hearing, I had picked up the small bits of his sentence. I creeped back to Ty, who was blinking at the area around him.

     "Ty?" I whispered, edging closer. He slowly looked back at me, staring at me with his amethyst purple eyes. "Ty, it's me, Samantha? The new Recruit. Please answer me." Then he spoke, but his answer was not what I had even fathomed to believe it would be.

     "I'm not Ty."

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