Chapter 49

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Samantha's POV

     "Adam?" I asked, sitting up and looking around. I was suspended in darkness, which obscured my vision. I was alone, which was nerving me. "Anyone? Hullo!?" I called out, trying to stand up. My legs gave up on me, forcing me to fall back down on the invisible floor. "Ogh..." I groaned, closing my eyes again. When I reopened my eyes, I spotted someone in the distance. "Hey, e-excuse me!" I got up, refusing for my legs to give in to gravity. I stumbled over to the man, his face hidden. "Sir, 'scuse me, but have you seen-?" He turned around, and I gasped. He smirked at me.

     "Were you expecting Mr. Dahlberg?" Aelam purred. I took a step back, my hands shaking. It was him, the one who caused all of this.

     "You." I hissed. "You killed my family, made me a disgrace. You made me an experiment! You killed my brother before my very eyes, in cold blood!" I almost flung myself at him when he started laughing. It wasn't a pleasant laugh, but an insane like laugh. Kinda like Bodil666's, but less free and more colder and forced.

But no one can beat Martin when it comes to laughing, of course.

     "You really believe that?" He asked, laughing again. "Wow, you are so ignorant."

     "Shut up!" I screamed. "Don't give me false hope that my brother is still alive! You have no right to speak of him!" I pushed Aelam to the ground and tackled him. I punched him, making him grunt in pain. "That's for my mother!" Punch. "That's for father!" Another punch. "And that's for my brother-!" He suddenly pushed me off, and I did a backward somersault to land on my feet.

     "You don't know anything, cretin." He growled, wiping a little blood from off his dimple. "You wouldn't recognize your brother if he was standing before you, and he has done it, many times." I hissed at him again, refusing to believe his words.

     "How dare you trey to twist my feelings to fall prey to you, of all people!" I snarled, baring my fangs at him. "Now I'm going to say this to you one time: Get the bloody hell out of my sight, or you're freaking done for, and I'll avenge my family."

     "All right then." He held his hands up in a false placate gesture, starting to walk away to the edge of the darkness. "One more thing." He said, stopping before the shadows. I narrowed my eyes and waited for him to continue. "You were too young to be told your family's secret, but there's a reason you can talk to dragons. There's a reason you can cast spells from Skyrim *cough* and more *cough*, and there's a reason you could heal your dragon ally. Majo." Then he slipped into the darkness and disappeared from my sight as I tried to take in his words.

     "Wait, what!?" I started swaying, then fell down on all fours, leaning over my hands and panting for breath when I heard someone.

     "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you..." I almost gasped and clamped my hand over my mouth. Was that really...? Was it him? It couldn't be! Was Aelam right? I jerked my head up and looked around, searching for any signs of life.

     "Hullo, is anyone there?" I called out, feeling even more exhausted. My muscles suddenly gave in, and I fell to the floor. "Hullo!?" I called out weakly. "" My eyes slowly fluttered closer and closer to shut until there was only a thin line of my vision visible. I spotted a figure through my blurry eyesight, recognizing his silhouette. "Har... y... that... you...?" I mumbled. Then I passed out.

"Congratulations Samantha Majo James Verona, you passed the test..."

Amy's POV

     My eyes opened on their own, and my body was moving on its own, as if being controlled. I sat up from a lying down position on my bed, back in the YouTubers' University. I would've been happy if I didn't feel like I was possessed by a demon.

     "Finally, time to kill Amy's friends..." Fear sent me wanting to shiver. I... I-that wasn't my thought, and yet it was in my mind. Like I wanted it more than anything...

     "Evil side, give me back control of myself." I demanded.

     "No. I want you to know how I felt, and I want you to watch your friends die." I got up and walked robotic like to the door, opening it to see all of my friends in the kitchen, talking to each other and joking. Samantha and Ty were leaning on each other, Seto sitting on a stool at Samantha's other side,  the three of them smiling like nothing could possibly go wrong. Man, am I jealous, Samantha and Ty such a cute couple!

     I felt myself grab the doorknob and shut it quietly. Then I suddenly closed my eyes, and I was finally able to move at my will. When I opened my eyes, I was met with a gruesome sight, too horrible to describe. I gasped and clamped my hands over my mouth and eyes, turning away from the scene with tears in my eyes. My evil self stared back at me from the mirror hanging on my room's door. She was smirking with a wild and hungry look in her eyes, holding a knife with a slight red hue.

     "This was your doing. You did this."

     "No, no!!" She motioned to me, and I looked down, seeing the same knife she had in my hand, only etched with blood on one side was "Your fault". I cried out and dropped it immediately, jumping back away from it and staring at my 'reflection' in disbelief. My evil side threw back her head and laughed as I suddenly felt weak and crumbled to the floor. Then my eyes slid close and I blacked out, her laugh ringing in my ears and echoing through my mind.

"Congratulations Amynoor, you passed the test..."

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