Chapter 50

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Wildstar's POV

     "Wildstar, no!" I spat a fireball at Samantha, hitting her square in the back. She fell down with a grunt.

     "Wildstar snap outta it!" Ty caught Samantha as she fell while Adam ran into the side of my head. I shook my muzzle and snarled, swiping at him. I caught his leg and he spun in the air, shouting a curse in aggravation.

     "Wildstar, we're not your enemies!" Ashlyn pleaded, shrinking away from me. I merely smirked and brought my claws down, trapping her under them.

     "Knock it off Wildstar!" A purple fireball hit me on the shoulder, making me growl in pain. I stepped over Ashlyn, who Mitch quickly helped get out of my way, as I bared my teeth at Seto. "Yeah I'm talking to you, Dylan." He taunted me, flicking magic at me and pushing me back a couple feet. I snarled and clamped my teeth at him, almost getting him had he not put up a force field around him. I roared in annoyance, bringing my talons on his bubble of protection. I did it again, and then it broke. He barrel rolled and ducked under me, rushing to Samantha and flying into the air with her, unconscious in his arms. "Look Wildstar, look! You've almost killed one of your closest friends! Please, just snap out of it!" He pleaded. I simply bared my teeth and lunged forward, only to be battered back by a Wither Skull Bomb. Jason hissed at me as I shook my head in confusion at the noise. Seto and Samantha seemed to have disappeared, so I turned my attention to Adam, who fired a fireball at me. It landed on my fore claw, only tickling. Then I felt something shove me so hard that I fell over on my side. Very few things can shove a dragon like that.

     Samantha stood beside Seto, trembling. Her eyes were wide and glowing purple, her hands clenched in her magenta aura.

     "Stop fighting!" She screeched. I stared at her in confusion. Why did she not want to fight? All those I have faced were battle-hungry. Then again, just about every enemy I faced I beat. I noticed her headphones were glowing as she raised her hands and covered her face, still shaking, and she was even almost a foot off the ground. The ground suddenly started shaking, a few crumbs of the roof clattering to the ground. I snapped out of my doubt and snarled, lunging at her.

     "Samantha-!" Seto started to say, about to throw himself between me and her when she screamed "I SAID STOP FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!" and threw her hands down in my direction. A wave of magic hit me hard, sending me sprawling. I went right over Ty's head and broke straight through one wall, then stopped sliding on the ground. My memory suddenly zapped, and I remembered. These were not my enemies; they were my friends!

     Horror shook me as I shrank back down into my mortal form, and I dragged myself out of the wreckage, seeing everyone except for Seto staring at Samantha in confusion, with him staring at her in surprise. I stopped and leaned on a rock, sighing in relief while guilt still plucked at my heart. I had betrayed my friends. How could they possibly trust me after this!? I trembled, sinking to my knees as my eyes watered. How could I do this? How could I let myself fail them?

     I felt like gravity was getting heavier as I swayed, my shoulders sagging with my guilt. At least I didn't hurt anyone, but... I blinked in surprise when a tear landed on my thigh. I sniffled as I sank to the floor, giving in to gravity's calling for me to be ballistic. I felt like I was drowning in that shame for betraying them as I closed my eyes and passed out.

"Congratulations Wildstar Stormchaser Wildheart, you passed the test..."

Adam's POV

     "Samantha?" I called out, running through the pitch black. "Samantha!" Nothing, and the darkness never ended. "Samantha!?" I yelled in frustration. Finally, I ran out of breath and stopped running, panting and leaning on my knees. "Ha." I wheezed. "I need to work out more, huh? Hahaha!" Of course I was trying to keep a cheery attitude, duh. I finally stood up and realized that I could hear murmuring. Curious, I started walking again while listening in.

     "... failure..."


     "He's... tarded..." I realized that the voices were getting louder, so I picked up my pace.

     "Hello!?" I called out. I finally spotted a light, and didn't hesitate to run to it. I found myself suddenly whisked into a grey void, which seemed to be illuminating itself. I could hear the voices clearly, and I froze. I did not like what I heard.

     "He thinks he's cool and so funny but he's not." I swallowed hard at Samantha's voice. Was it directed at me?

     "I know right? Sky was like my friend, but did he defend me when I got kicked out of Team Crafted? No! And now it's a ruined mess." I cringed under Seto's words. I didn't really want him to leave, but what Mitch had said about him not really belonging in the first place had made sense.

     "Yeah, and I was the only one to support you. Where was Adam when we needed him then, huh!?" I felt my throat tighten at Ty's opinion. Did they really feel this way.

     "And now he's missing. I don't care if he was captured by Herobrine or not." I felt my eyes water, which was surprising. A grown man never cries, but what is this!? Ah well, my closest friends were hurting me. They... I took in a shaky breath, rubbing the sides of my neck. They didn't care about me. They wouldn't care if I was captured by Herobrine o-or... I closed my eyes when I heard Ty's voice again.

     "If he dies, would he come back and haunt us for realizing the truth about him, that he's so loud and selfish, or that he's a spoiled brat?" I lost it and sank to my knees, shaking. I stifled a sob, blinking in surprise when a tear rippled down my cheek. Am I really that bad? I can't be right? I mean, I know that when we did parkour maps I would push Ty off, but did I seem selfish? I kept my eyes closed as more tears spilled, and I started to feel numb until my senses faded.

"Congratulations Adam Dahlberg, you passed the test..."

     Wait, that was a test!?

     "I knew it, I knew that it wasn't true!" I snapped my eyes open and shouted into the abyss, smiling like an idiot. "I knew I was too good for that to be true, ha! I beat you at your own game, whoever you are, punk! Ya hear me!? I'm too majestic for you to outsmart me!"

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