Chapter 28

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Adam's POV

I sighed in frustration, resting my hands on my head as I lost myself in thought.

"She's gonna get herself killed." Seto muttered. He started to follow Taylor as she disappeared behind the trees when I grabbed his cloak, starting to take shaky breaths.

"A-Adam?" He asked, turning around. I lunged forward and tackled him.

"You started this!" I hissed, punching him into a tree with a crash.

"Adam!" Ty made ready to run at me to stop my next move when Jordan blocked him with his tail.

"Don't underestimate him or Seto. Just let them fight it out." I heard him murmur distantly. But I could barely hear it over the blood roaring in my ears as I flew forward and punched Seto.

"It's all your fault!" I yelled, continuing to let my fists fly. Seto suddenly rolled to the side and flicked his wrists, throwing a field of energy against me and sending me smashing into Ty. He writhed back away from me and picked me up, snarling. He seemed a little more taller as I struggled to escape.

Come to think of it, he was a whole block taller than his normal height. He grabbed Seto in his other grip and snarled "Stop. Fighting. NOW!!!!!" I cringed under his voice, which for some reason was now raspy and deeper. Seto slowly lowered his hands and glowered at me. I noticed Ty's eyes were purple, too.

"Look at you two! You're like two cats fighting over catnip!"

"Well, you'd know that." I muttered. He hissed, baring his teeth. That shut me up as I lowered my gaze in defeat.

"Taylor was right. Before you know it, we'll turn against each other! Before you know it, we'll be separated, and Herobrine and... whoever is in charge of the dragons, will easily defeat us! Pull yourselves together!" He set us down, still glaring at me. I slowly sighed and stole a glance at Seto.

"... Sorry." I muttered. His shoulders slumped slightly.

"... Same." He murmured, glancing at Ty, who was back to normal (except for the wings and tail). Ty closed his eyes, take a deep breath. Then he opened his eyes, glancing at the others, who had patiently waited for the quarrel to end.

"... Guys, where's Wildstar?" He asked.

"She went to fight the dragons, remember?" Hailey spoke up quietly. I blinked in surprise.

"Oh." Was all I said. Seto rolled his eyes at me, struggling to not smile.

"Pay more attention Adam." He snickered. "Even if you're part god (Herobrine), you're still you."

"I know right?" I brightened up. "Like, I'm awesome. Who wouldn't wanna be me?"

"Me." Ty muttered. I playfully poked his shoulder.

"I heard that!"

"Good!" He smirked, pushing me in a joking manner.

"Good to see you all are acting like yourselves again, I was getting sick of the arguing." I looked up to see Wildstar back in her normal form again, with Galapagos and StormySkies right beside her, smirking as she leaned against a tree in front of a huge group of dragons. She followed my gaze, looking back at them. Then she looked back with a genuine smile plastered across her face.

"May I introduce you mortals to the Army of Light."

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