Chapter 12

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Sky's POV

     "Are you sure?" Seto asked. Before Samantha could respond, I waved my hands in front of my face.

     "Woahwoahwoah, what Memory Potion?" I asked. They both looked over to me.

     "It's a splash potion, so you'll understand in a moment. Ready?" Samantha nodded as Seto held up a potion with rainbow colored liquid.

     "What-?" I couldn't finish my question when the bottle broke at our feet. I started feeling nauseated, so I squeezed my eyes shut. When I did, images filled my mind. My name wasn't Sky, but Adam Dahlberg, I lived in Washington State on a planet called earth, I was a YouTuber...

     My head swirled with this new load of memories, and I closed my eyes again.

     "Sky..." No. Not that voice.

     "Go away Herobrine!" I commanded, my eyes still closed. His laughter rang through my head.

     "Hahahah, but how can I if a part of my soul is within you?"


     "Sky?" I snapped my eyes open to see Samantha's face hovering above me. I scrambled to my feet, off the floor.

     "H-How..?" I panted, turning to Seto. He put on a slight grin.

     "I guess it worked?"

     "How... How long was I out?" I finally asked.

     'Only a few minutes." I turned to observe Samantha. She was blushing really hard, but she also looked so... depressed. She was on verge of tears.

     "Hey." I gently nudged her. "You ok?"

     "I don't know." She whispered. "I-I don't know anything anymore!"

Jason's POV

     Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it in the air. It's like everything is holding its breath for a finale. But I cant place my finger on what yet...

     I was outside taking a walk when my head started aching slightly. I tried to ignore it, but now it's gotten worse. So I sighed, my concentration broken, and trudged back to the Sky Army Headquarters. I rested my hand against a tree for a moment to catch my breath when I heard a soft crackling sound. I looked to my side. The tree shriveled, turned grey, then fell before my very eyes.

     I studied my hands before slipping the gloves back on. I had forgotten that I had taken them off earlier, so good thing I was alone, otherwise I'd be in trouble.

     My dull aching headache suddenly erupted into a huge wave of pain. I grunted, falling to my knees as my vision grew dimmer. The last thing I remembered was taking in deep raspy breaths before loosing consciousness.

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