Chapter 41

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Samantha's POV

     I trusted myself enough to summon my Ender half again as I flew up in the air above my friends. I was a little worried that NightShade would take over, but Ty assured me that he would be there if needed. I landed on a cloud, sinking into it partially as I watched the specks on the ground that signified where they were. I looked up at the high sun, drinking in the cold air. This was peaceful... so peaceful. Almost too peaceful, sadly.

     I rolled my shoulders, relaxed. Why couldn't it be like this more often?

"Because you'd be bored to death." I almost jumped off the cloud at the voice.


"Yeah, I figured it out, that since we're both Ender, we can speak telepathically, if ever needed."

"Wow, that's cool, except you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Then we're even." I sighed, fanning my wings out across the cloud. "So how's it looking up there?"

"Pretty good." I decided. "Peaceful, you should see it."

     "I am." I hopped back right as he landed beside me. "Not only can we speak telepathically, but we can see with each other's vision. Enderlox has been spilling the beans recently."

"Huh. NightShade's been deathly quiet for awhile." I replied.

"Just because I'm not speaking doesn't mean that I'm not here, smart one."

"Nope, just jinxed it." I mumbled, facepalming.

"Thanks, I feel special."

"Uh huh, you better."

"Ok, can we stop with this telepathy? It's giving me a headache." Ty complained.

"Sorry." I started when I heard three voices say that.

"Wait, can Enderlox hear me too?" I questioned.

"Of course, eye-candy." I heard Ty growl lowly at the comment, but I was puzzled.

"Is that a compliment?"

"Absolutely." Enderlox purred.

"I-Th-thank you?" Then Ty bared his teeth.

"Knock it off, Enderlox." He growled. I heard Enderlox sigh.

"I'm only getting along with your friends. Is that not what you wanted?" I knew NightShade was about to add her two cents in, so I dismissed the Ender half before she could.

     "Forget it." Ty barked, grabbing me and jumping off the cloud. I yelped and hugged him as the ground dizzily rose to meet us. There was a swish of the wind, and then our feet softly touched the ground. I stumbled away from Ty as his wings and tail disappeared.

     "That was... exhilarating." I breathed, grinning. He stared at me for a moment, then said, "C'mere."  Confused, I obeyed his gesturing me over and stepped in front of him. He then hugged me, sighing inwardly. Surprised yet content, I hugged him back, noticing a cute small brown baby rabbit staring at us with its huge innocent wide eyes. I started laughing, and Ty pulled away confused. I nodded to the rabbit, and he stared at it before he too bursted out laughing.

     "Come on, let's go before the others get worried." He finally said after the humor died down. The rabbit looked up at me with wide eyes before hopping up to me and nuzzling my leg. Touched at its innocent act, I pulled out a carrot and gave it to the cute rabbit. It let out a happy squeak, accepting it, then nuzzled me one last time before scampering away.

     "Where the heck did you get carrots from?" Ty asked, watching the rabbit until it disappeared from sight. I shrugged.

     "Dan usually has a stack or two on him for Terrance."

     "When you're done with the domestic life," I started at Seto's comment, whirling around to see him behind us with his arms folded across his chest. "... We're at His OverWorld castle." He sighed, then added, "Samantha, I hope you remember your training, because we've found Herobrine. And he's demanded to talk to you in person."

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