Chapter 54

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     "Look out mortals!" I yelped and ducked when Wildstar changed into her dragon (or gryphon? I give up XD) form, snarling and leaping at the many approaching mobs. I realized that I had dropped my bow onto the ground below, and I jumped over the railing, only to find that Amy had actually caught it.

     "Thanks." I said breathlessly as she handed it to me. I grabbed an arrow  from Mitch's quiver and threw it in time to kill a cave spider that was about to pounce on him. He looked back in surprise before giving me a wordless nod of thanks, firing yet another arrow at a creeper that had gotten past Wildstar as I fired alongside him, the both of us keeping the mobs at bay and from hurting defenseless Amy. "Here." I grabbed a few arrows and handed them to her. "They're sorta like daggers, for self-defense." She nodded when I was suddenly pushed away powerfully, almost smashing into a wall when I was caught mid-air unexpectedly. My 'rescuer' fell to the ground with an "oof!" and I found myself draped over Adam's midriff, who was now knocked out cold.

     "Oh Gosh no, Adam?" I sat up beside him and tried to shake him awake. "Adam!"

     "We have to fight, Samantha." I turned to see Herobrine stare at me with a sad gaze. I got up from the unconscious YouTuber and shifted from foot to foot, sighing slightly.

     "Try to restrain some of your powers, I don't feel like getting anything broken." I grunted. He smirked.

     "Can't promise that." Then he teleported in front of me, trying to grab me by the shirt of my collar. I ducked in time and swung my leg at him. He ducked as well and grabbed my leg, flipping me over. I rolled in the air with it and kicked him in the face with my other leg. He grunted and let go of me, and I pushed myself into the air by kicking off of his chest, doing a front flip and landing, facing him again. He summoned a fireball, and chucked it at me. I smirked and summoned one too, flinging it in front of me just in time to block his and make a cloud of fog. I started coughing, black spots forming in my vision for a moment, and he rammed into me. I was smashed into the stairs, destroying the way up to the balcony. He punched me in the gut, then I placed my hands on his shoulders and somersaulted over him, punching him in the back. He grunted and was smashed into the remains of the stairs by the inertia.

Hailey's POV

     "This way." Blaze led us on a narrow path, dead trees looming over us. I bit my lip and walked by Taylor to catch up to our guide.

     "Where are we?" I asked. He looked over at me.

     "Stay on the path. This is where the dead go to prove themselves worthy of redemption, of revival." He answered cautiously. I swallowed hard and kept close to him until the path widened again, and the trees started to thin. Then finally, an obsidian rimmed Portal came into view, glowing with a magenta-purple hue. He pointed to it, the flame in his other hand.

      "There it is. Hurry." They brushed passed him, and I was about to follow when Blaze froze his eyes growing wide and distant.

     "Hailey, look at me." He rasped. I turned to him, confused, and he started waving his hand slowly. Back and forth it went. "Focus on my hand... You are getting tired... You grow sleepy..." I tried to protest, but my eyes grew heavy, and I started swaying. Blaze kept me in a hug to keep me from falling. "Hailey, your friends need you help." I heard his voice distantly, as if he was far away. "The dragons, they're coming."

     "... wan....nah... hel...p..." I murmured incoherently. He guessed what I said and smiled.

     "Oh don't worry, you will. Now just rest. Sleep..." My body obeyed him against me, and I slumped into his arms and fell asleep.

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