Chapter 7

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Kermit's POV (I promised you, didn't I @DaRealSargSparklz ?)

     I heard fighting. Someone could be in trouble, bu it could have been from SkyArmy as training. Truthfully, I was too shy to approach them. But I was curious.

     I climbed up a tree, swinging from branch to branch in time to spot a girl jump over one of the trainers. Ian, I think is his name. I crouched down and peeked over the leaves, almost inspired by the girl's technique at fighting. Who taught her to fight? She was incredible!

     A pop made me start in alarm. Ian doubled over, groaning in pain while the girl fussed over him. I guess that's not part of training. I shifted on the branch when I heard it snap. I scrambled backward just too late, and crashed to the ground (yeah, I just did that). They both jumped in surprise. I jumped to my feet, adjusting my clothes in embarrassment from falling.

     "I've heard of cats and dogs falling from the sky, but frogs?" The girl commented. I couldn't help but laugh.

     "Yeah, uh, sorry. I just heard fighting and thought someone was getting hurt." My gaze slid to Ian, who was holding his hand to his chest. I nodded to it to point it out.

     "Yeah... That was an accident." The girl steeped forward, holding her hand out. "I'm Samantha."

     "Kermit." I shook her hand before taking a step back. "Well I better go, bye!" I said in a rush before running into the forest, hopping the fence easily. I felt really warm for some reason.

     I can't believe I just talked to a girl, of all humans!

Dan's POV

     I pushed past a bush before flopping down onto a tree root, breathing heavily.

     "I think we lost him, right Grimm?" My skeletal dog companion barked in agreement. i sighed and took a deep drink of water, giving Grimm a bone to gnaw on. We were out to pick up some lab equipment Seto made for Trayaurus, but the Lab is 500 chunks away!

     Which meant that Herobrine had plenty of time to toy with my sanity.

     I readjusted my mining goggles before munching on a carrot. I always had a stack of carrots on me in case Terrance wanted to come along. He didn't feel like working out this year.

     Sighing, I pulled myself onto my aching feet.

     "Come on Grimm!" i called wearily, plunging back into the wild plants of the jungle.

     Hopefully we don't run into any foliath plants (the meat eating plants from one of his mod showcases).

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