Chapter 5

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Sky's POV

     I stared at myself in the mirror for the fifth time that day. No one can know about this. That I'm more than just leader of the Sky Army. I can't let anyone find out that I'm His son. My reflection stared back at me, white eyes watching my every move.

     A gentle tap on the door made me shove my sunglasses back over my eyes.

     "Come in." I called wearily. Ty easily slipped through the small space between the door and the budder wall.

     "The girl is coming to speak to you soon-"

     "Sir!" A guard ran through the doorway. "My apologies for interrupting." He quickly added. I shook my head.

     "No, it's fine. What is it?"

     "The girl we rescued is on her way-"

     "Yes." I said dismissively. "Ty already told me."

     "Of course sir." He replied confusedly. He did a quick bow before running off.  I shook my head in brief puzzlement.

     "It's like the walls tell you of every new thing." I challenged Ty. I noticed him cringe slightly.

     "Uh, yeah... That's not. Possible?" He replied. I was about to ask more when a soft knock on the large double doors occurred.

     "Come in." I called out, fastening my cape. The doors were opened, revealing the girl and Kittinpaws.

     "She wanted to speak to you." Kittinpaws did a respectful bow before retreating. I gestured to the girl, summoning her forward.

Samantha's POV

     "Tell me," Sky began. "What is your name?"

     "S-Samantha Verona." I stammered. My gaze wandered to his companion. He was the one that startled me earlier!

     "And what do you need to talk to us about?"

     "I... I..." I stammered. Sky smiled kindly as I tried to peel my gaze away from his weirdly familiar friend. "I- I saw someone." I finally raked my gaze over Sky. "He-Herobrine destroyed my ho-home." My throat was tightening, like a squid had wrapped its tentacles around my neck.

     "What!?" He blinked in surprise. "But-but he's supposed to be an outcast in the Nether!"

     "I know what I saw." I shrugged defensively. "He had the eyes, the teal shirt and the blue pants." The man wouldn't leave my memory. Why did he seem so familiar? Why did all of them  seem so familiar!?

     "Sir?" I turned to see a guard. "There's a uh... commotion going on outside." He hesitantly continued. I heard of shout of pain, which rang in my ears. My mind was screaming at how haunting it was.

     "Ty." He and his companion, Ty, whisked past me and raced down the hall. I sprinted after them, my heart hammering to save someone.

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