Chapter 17

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Adam's POV

"Watch out!" I managed to pull Ty out of aiming view as NightShade spat purple fire at us. Kermit and Quentin managed to duck, Seto blocked the fire with a magic shield around him and Jason, and Kittinpaws' wing almost got roasted as she shot up into the air.

"Mrow! Too close!" She yowled as NightShade spread her wings. She was about to take off when Wildstar pounced on her, snarling. She bared her teeth as NightShade easily pushed her away with such force, landing Wildstar through a tree. The tree toppled, almost landing on me had I not smashed through it. I was starting to get sick of holding back my power while others got hurt.

I turned to NightShade, who was staring at me, smirking.

"Have you told any of your 'friends' who you really are, I wonder?" She purred. I froze to the spot, stunned and angry. No, you shouldn't get angry. I told myself. Otherwise he'll-

"Has Sky ever told you about is other side?" She turned to Ty, who was staring at her in horror.

"Wh-what is she talking about?" He asked. NightShade's smirk grew larger.

"Ah. You haven't told anyone... That's ok, your secret's safe with me." She winked before throwing Quentin, who had tried to tackle her, off her back like a limp doll, and took off of the ground. Then she slammed against Ty, burying her teeth in his shoulder.

Time slowed down to a whirl as he collapsed to the ground. Blood roared in my hearing as I was filled with a burning sensation, my vision blurring slightly with a red hue.

What happened next was a blurr, but I suddenly had NightShade by the throat against a tree. I was unaware that my glasses had fallen off as I bared my teeth at her.

"Don't. Touch. My Friends." I snarled, my voice really deep.

"A-Adam?" I turned to see Ty holding my glasses, staring at me incredulously. "Wh-What happened to you?" He stammered with a torn look. I noticed that NightShade had ceased struggling, so I forced my grip open, dropping her to the ground. I took a few stumbly steps away from her, breathing heavily.

"Ty." I gasped before falling to the ground, passing out.

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