Chapter 39

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Jordan's POV

"Samantha?" I called out, really worried. "Samantha, please answer!"

"I swear, I've searched everywhere!" Adam claimed, slaying a creeper before it could explode.

"Keep searching!" Ty snarled, strangling a spider with his bare hands- er, claws. In the darkness, I thought I heard a zombie groan. They usually didn't make noise unless someone was nearby, and that zombie was too far away to see us.

Then again, we were making quite a racket.

"I'll check over there." I called over the hissing of the spiders, starting to make my way through the thick undergrowth.

"I already checked there!" Ian managed to shout back while running from a skeleton. I casually ignored him and stumbled out of the chaos and into an eerie clearing. Why is it foggy? I wondered, having my hand cut through the grey haze. I opened my mouth to call for Samantha again, only to make a sputtering cough. It was smoke!

I gagged and wiped my mouth in significant distaste, realizing that there wasn't any mobs ready to ambush me. That's weird. I took a few blind steps forward, not seeing a tree root until I tripped on it.

"Ouch!" I couldn't help but exclaim, smashing my head against the ground. Cold pain washed through me, and I went limp. "Oh come on, it takes several mobs at once against me to even have a fair fight but I get taken out by a tree." I muttered, resting one side of my head against the grass and closing my eyes. For a while, I laid like that until I heard the fighting die. Shoot, they must be looking for me! I slowly pushed myself up with my elbows, swaying a little as my vision danced.

"ohh..." I groaned, rubbing the side of my head. My head was throbbing badly. It must have been getting worse, because I could've sworn I just saw a smudge of gold behind some bushes. No, no... I wasn't hallucinating. I blinked a few times in an unsuccessful attempt to clear my vision as it grew closer. I heard a snorting sound, and then something gently nudged me. I was off balance and fell backward with a grunt. Something heavy pressed gently on top of me, but I still couldn't make out what it was. Another dragon perhaps? My eyes widened at the thought, and I started fidgeting in an attempt to wriggle out from under the weight.

"Jordan. Jordan!" I quickly stopped and groaned, the voice making my headache worse. "Oh God... Jordan are you ok?" It was Samantha's voice, but rougher, deeper even... no, it couldn't be.

"Sam... antha..." I managed to say, my eyes closing a little. The pressure on me immediately disappeared, then I was picked up. I flinched as something sharp poked me.

"Sorry." Then I opened my eyes, realizing that my sight was clearing a little, enough to see the sharp teeth in front of me. I swallowed nervously as my eyes traveled upward to face gold cat like eyes.

"Um... can you help explain this to the guys?" Samantha asked.

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