Chapter 46

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Wildstar's POV

     I leaped on the black dragon, snarling in fury. The beast hissed in pain and rolled out from under me, slashing at my muzzle.

     "Why did you try to kill my friend?" I barked, pinning him to the ground. He snapped his jaws at me, missing by a few inches. I pressed his head against the ground, keeping him limp. "Tell me, Deathbringer!" I snapped. He started laughing.

     "Guess he never showed you the prophecy?" I growled and leaned closer to him.

     "What prophecy?" I snarled. He glanced up in modest surprise.

     "Oh, he never told you what happens, did he? He probably doesn't understand it yet, but he will; don't worry." I stopped pressing him against the ground, surprised and confused. Prophecy? Is this what it was all about? Deathbringer took advantage of my confusion and heaved me off of him.

     "See ya, and you better take care of your Ender friend. He's essential to the Prophecy. Both of them, and the Sorcerer." Then he suddenly sprang into the shadows and was gone. I stared at where he was for a few seconds before scrambling to my feet and turning around. My lower jaw abruptly dropped in shock at the scene before me. Everyone except Seto was laying on the ground, passed out while he was kneeled down beside Ty, cradling his head with tears in his eyes.

     "This is all my fault..." He murmured, his eyes really distant. "If I hadn't... kept it to myself.... I'm so... sorry..." His head was swaying, as if he was about to faint.

     "Seto?" I turned back into my mortal form and ran to him, managing to catch him just before he could fall backwards and hit the ground. He fell into my arms, his eyes fluttering shut. "Seto." Surprisingly, he was really light for the average mortal. I pulled him away from Ty and gently nudged him. "Seto, Seto!" I cried out. What was going on? Why was everyone passing out?

     "You can't fight the mist..." A voice whispered.

     "Who's there? Show yourself!" I barked.

     "If you insist..." I suddenly felt sleepy and started swaying. "In order to enter Herobrine's Mansion, you must pass the test."

     "Wha... did you do... to me?" I murmured, my vision doubling here and there.

     "Simple, the female Ender is indeed not the only hybrid around here, as the others in your little group. As a blaze hybrid and servant of Herobrine, I can do something that seems like a spell, when it's really mist with blaze powder. It knocks people out and has them face their worst fears in their dream. If they live, well, they live. And if they die... well, let's just say that I wish you luck, WSW." I struggled to stay awake, only to go limp and slide down onto the floor. My eyes slowly slid shut as the room went black, and I lost consciousness. The last thing I heard was an insane laugh, echoing through the darkness.

Samantha's POV

     "So if we take a right, then..." I turned the corner, only to run into Adam.

     "Ack, don't hurt me!" He yelped. I rolled my eyes.

     "So much for splitting up to get through the library's maze." I grumbled, backing away from him.

     "Yeah I know right? Man I wish Bodil or Ty were here with us right now." I sat down on a low ledge, makeshifting it for a bench.

     "Where is Bodil, last you saw him?" He fell into silence with a thoughtful look.

     "Depends, in the real world he was going abroad sorta to collect students into parkour, since he's one of the parkour masters. In this world..." His eyes widened and he jumped up with a start. "Oh God, he was at the HeadQuarters with Ian, remember?" I nodded, staring expectantly at him. "Oh right, hehe, well, he disappeared when Enderlox gained control and kinda R3kt Seto's room, so..." My eyes widened in realization.

     "The dragons must have captured him." I whispered. Suddenly someone started laughing, which echoed through out the entire mansion. Adam narrowed his eyes and unsheathed his gold-er, budder- sword, it gleaming majestically beside him.

     "Who's there?" He called out boldly. I stood up on the ledge as the reply came.

     "You know who, Sky, hahahahaha!" cringed at the ringing laughter. It sounded like Bodil's, and yet it didn't. It was so much more, menacing, more...

     "Insane." I whispered. Adam gave me a confused look, overhearing my comment. "It's -" I cut myself off with a gasp as I spot two red glowing eyes in the shadows nearby a bookshelf. The person stepped forward, revealing a toothy grin. It was Bodil.

     But he was an ultimate mess. His clothes were torn, his eyes glowing crimson red, his tie was almost gone and torn in half, his jacket was open, and his undershirt was torn too. The worst part was the red. So much red, so much blood, covered him. And his smile was terrifying.

     "Miss me Sky?" Bodil666 asked, then snickered. "No you didn't, I know so. You forgot about me, didn't you? Tsk Tsk, naughty naughty." Adam lowered his sword slightly, holding his other hand out in front of him as if to stop Bodil666 in his tracks.

     "B-Bodil, listen to me." His voice was shaky. "You have to fight it, this-this isn't you. I-It's not you, I know it. You have to fight back... please." Bodil666's smile was unwavering.

     "Bodil is gone. I'm Bodil666!" He announced cheerfully, pulling a knife out of his back pocket and still grinning. "Now I want you to do me a favor Sky and let me kill you." Adam took a deep breath, then pulled a budder knife out of his pocket and tossing it to me. Panicked, I barely caught it as Adam turned back to Bodil666 with a grin as he walked over to me, sheathing his sword.

     "You're going to have to catch us on a free day, I'm afraid you're too insane to fit our schedule." Then he grabbed my free hand and started running, sweeping me up off my feet and carried me bridal style away from the insane YouTuber. Bodil666's laugh echoed behind us as Adam ran.

     "In my defense, that was last week!" I peered over Adam's shoulder, seeing him right behind us and catching up.

     "Alright Adam, hold onto me, my turn." My wings appeared and spread out behind me, lifting me and a surprised Adam into the air. I zoomed over the maze and straight through the iron door, flying really fast down the hallway that awaited. Why didn't I do that sooner? I thought, facepalming mentally.

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