Chapter 19

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     "Uhh...?" Mitch asked as Seto handed them all a memory potion. As they drank theirs, I turned back to Ty.

     "So what now?" I asked.

     "Easy." Adam butted in. "Find Herobrine and get back home." Seto cleared his throat.

     "Um, what about me? I can summon a portal to get you guys home, but you'll be hybrid in the real world unless Herobrine fixes it."

     "GAH CHAIR MODE ACTIVATE!!!!!" Everyone jumped in surprise except for me.

     "Felix Felix Felix..." I sighed. "What are we to do with you?" His response was a smirk.

     "Nuttin'?"He replied. Adam laughed.

     "Ha, yeah right!" He scoffed.

     "Just- just don't, you interrupted Seto." I snapped.

     "Uh, thanks I guess... Anyway, we find Herobrine, beat him at his own game, turn you guys back to normal and voila! Portal to home by me. And then-"

     "Guys!" Everyone turned at Wildstar's voice, shrill with panic. StormySkies lay on her side, splayed out as she wheezed. Wildstar appeared to be furious.

     "If we can get beaten up by a freaking EnderWing dragoness, then we need to train!" She threw an accusing look at me, which made me cringe under her sharp gaze.

     "Well, why don't you explain your criminal past, Dylan." I whirled on my heel and gaped at Seto. He was staring hard at Wildstar, unblinking.

     "What are you talking about, Scavenger?" Wildstar snarled.

     "What?" I asked, but no one payed me any heed.

     "Is that true? Are you a criminal?" Ty asked. I stared at him with horror.

     "Ty! Of course not!" I exclaimed. That didn't stop someone's flared temper.

     "IT WASN'T MY FAULT! A FAMILIAR COMMITED THE MANSLAUGHTER, NOT ME!!!!! I WAS A VICTIM, AND A WITNESS!!!!!" She was on the verge of tears. Everyone was taken back at her anger, as she was usually... 'quiet'.


     "THIS SCAR IS PROOF!" She screamed, interrupting Adam. "FAMILIAR CLAWMARKS ALL OVER THE CORPSES!!!!! IT. WASN'T. ME!!!!!!!!!!" Then she whirled around and took off like a bullet.

     "Wildstar!" I tried to leap after her, but Ty held me back. "No!" I yelled after her as she disappeared from sight.

     "Hey, hey..." Ty wrapped me in an embrace to keep me from going after Wildstar. "She'll come back. It's ok..." He soothed me as I fell into a grief-stricken silence.

     Then a familiar voice hit the air.

     "Woah, that was like, dramatic!" I slowly turned around, not noticing Seto healing Wildstar's companions. I was shocked to see the newcomers.

     "Hailey, Taylor, Amy, Nathan and Ashlyn!?" I exclaimed. Taylor smirked.

     "Miss us?" She asked with a grin plastered across her face.

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