Chapter 48

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Samantha's POV

     I finally grew tired after awhile and set Adam down on the ground, gliding down beside him.

     "Hopefully he's gone by now." I panted. Adam stayed quiet, which was unusual for him as he stared in the darkness of the hallway behind us. "Adam?" I gently nudged him, and he blinked at me with a distant look.

     "Muh, yeah wuh?" He asked distantly.

     "Hey, come back to Earth, you're not an astronaut like Jason, and no SkyMU." I snapped. That got him to waken.

     "So where are we?" He looked around in the hallway, spotting a staircase. "We don't have to uh... do we really?"

     "Yup." I started hopping up the stairs, leaving Adam to kiss my dust. After about half an hour of straight up non-stop climbing, I perched on the ledge like a gargoyle about to come to life and pounce on something. Adam finally came up and stopped, leaning against me and panting heavily.

"You and *wheeze* your silly *wheeze* stamina!" He wheezed. I couldn't help but stay still, not budging. "Samantha?" He tapped my shoulder, and I jerked my head at him with my teeth bared. "Gah yah!" He yelped, stumbling backwards. I chortled with laughter, dismissing my wings. "Did you have to do that!?" He scolded. I nodded, falling to my side with laughter and pounding the floor.

"Your face expression though!" He started laughing too, then we eventually both stopped.

"Hey Samantha?" Adam asked a little shyly.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I-it's just... Well, you've never said if you have any family members, do you? And ya know, since we're kinda alone, I thought now would be the best time to ask about your past." I bit my lip in an attempt to hold back tears.

"Ye-ah, once I did." Adam kneeled down in front of me, guilt and yet genuine curiosity apparent on his face.

"I'm sorry, I knew that'd be too much of a touchy topic for you."

"N-no, it's fine." I sniffed and rubbed a tear away. "I had parents, and a brother, but when this guy came, he-he killed my family and, and kidnapped me, making me the neko I am--er, in reality-- today." He looked at me with misty eyes.

"My God, I didn't realize that you have such a depressing history, Samantha." I closed my eyes, holding back my tears, then reopened them. But my vision was different.

 "Hey, is it just me, or are things a little bit more blurry up here?" I waved my hand in front of my face in an attempt to shoo away the hazy fog bank rolling in. Yep, definitely was not just me, right?

"Yeah, I see it... A-as well." Adam's eyes were starting to close behind his sunglasses as he swayed a bit. I started feeling woozy, and I rested my head down on the floor. Adam didn't hesitate to lie down next to me, his movements jerky and rough. "Sam...antha, I feel... So tire...d..." His eyes slid shut as mine threatened to do the same. I yawned, my head swaying slightly from side to side as I struggled to stay awake. But sleeping... Seemed so peaceful...




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Seto's POV

I strained my eyes awake to see a flat screen tv on, which had the show F.R.I.E.N.D.S on. I heard a giggle at my side as Joey yelled "Joey doesn't share food!", and I turned my head to see my sister. She was laughing, the smile making me beam happily at her. We were back at home, as if nothing had ever happened. I hugged my sister and rested my chin on the top of her head, tears of joy shining in my eyes. We were a family once more, an almost normal one.

Then I heard a bang! and we both jumped. I broke away from my sister and turned the tv off as she whimpered.

"Harvey, what was that?" She whispered. My real name (at least I think it is) echoed through my mind as I leaned to the side and peered through the doorway.

"I dunno." I murmured back. "Get under the bed, I'll check it out." She grabbed my sleeve before I could stand up.

"B-But what if it's a bad man, and he hurts you?" She had tears in her eyes, which gave me a surge of affection.

"I won't let him." I pecked her on the forehead before I cautiously looked through the doorway in the living room. My heart jumped in my throat as I saw a dark figure of a guy holding a gun, and two bodies lay on the floor. I gasped and clamped my hands over my mouth as he turned to me.

"So, the filth had a child, huh?" He growled. My mouth was open as if to talk, but no words came out. "So where's the other?" He demanded. I stayed quiet. He marched over to me and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me over to the bodies and forcing me to stare at the corpses. "I asked you a question, you nasty Sorcerer spawn, where's. Your. Sister!?" I looked at mother and father's faces, seeing the fear in their lifeless eyes. That was not going to happen to my sister. I wouldn't allow it.

I summoned fire in my hands and sent the man sprawling. He muttered colorful language, picking his gun back up. I smirked as he exhaustedly dropped it again.

"Wow kid, guess I should respect ya." Then he suddenly scooped his gun up and fired it. My smirk faded as I realized what had happened. My horror got the best of me and I fell back, landing partially on the couch as the man left. I gritted my teeth in pain as I vainly tried to stand up, when I heard screaming. My little sister was dragged by the living room behind the man. Her eyes widened when she saw me and my tattered dying-like state.

"NO, NOOOOO!!!!! HARVEY!!!!!!!!" she screamed, crying and bawling as she tried to kick the man to get free, who completely ignored her.

"Sammie..." I murmured. "No...." A tear dropped onto my chest as she was taken from my sight. I had failed her. I failed my family. I didn't know how to heal myself, so I failed myself as well. I clenched my teeth as more tears fell, my sister's screams fading as I looked down to see the damage. A bullet wound to the edge of my waist. My eyes started closing, and everything went dark.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you..." I whispered, one more tear falling before I closed my eyes and blacked out.

"Congratulations SetoSorcerer, you passed the test..."

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