Chapter 36

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Samantha's POV

"Are we there yet?" Ashlyn whined for the fifth time. Adam scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Didn't you ask like five minutes ago?"

"Yeah, but that was five minutes ago!" Everyone except me laughed. I was too deep in thought to respond to the humor. Were the rest of going to find each other, or would we be separated forever in this endless world? Would we be stuck in Minecraft forever? I don't know about the others, but I don't want to be made of blocks for the rest of my life.

"Hey." Ty gently nudged me. "You ok?" I nodded mutely. Ever since we kissed, I realized the severity of our situation. We were stuck in a game, based on survival. I slowed down and dropped to the back of the group, where Seto was walking by himself.

"You never mentioned this, so I'm a ask: As soon as we find the others, how do we go home?" His stride faltered for a brief hesitation before he answered.

"In order for us to go home, there is only one way; not only can Notch not bring us back to home, but I am powerless for summoning a portal. The only way home rests with Herobrine." I fropped into silence for a moment to digest what he said.

"So... I have to fight Herobrine? Again?" He nodded. I sighed, wiping my hand across my brow.

"Not only that, but he's more powerful here than on Earth, so... you'll need backup. And he'll likely not be alone. I'll bet my spell books that he has an army deep with in the Nether, and Notch knows if the EnderDragon is on his side or not!"

"Great." I muttered. How am I suppose to fight him? Judo, Karate, Baritsu and Boxing? I thought when Adam suddenly called out, "I think I see someone!" I briskly walked past everyone to spot two people: one guy with a black (sweater or jacket?) and white undershirt, as well as red glasses and black pant legs. The other comrade had yellow and blue scales covering her whole skin.

"Wildstar!" I yelped, sprinting forward and jumping past her, surprising her and the guy.

"Samantha!" She yelled with glee, while at the same time being crossed for me scaring her. I quickly tackled her to the ground.

"Wildstar_Stormchaser_Wildheart, don't do anything near as wreckless as that again!" I teasingly scolded, laughing.

"Aw, d-does that mean I'm not wanted?" I looked up at Wildstar's companion and grinned.

"C'mere, Jordan Maron." I gestured him over and gave him a hug.

"... well, this is better than getting tackled." He chirped.

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