Chapter 34

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"Oof!" Both me and Ty jumped back as the others were jostled into our prison, followed by a SandWing. 'How do I know what type is what dragon?' I thought gloomily as the door was slammed shut. We were silent for a moment before Taylor snapped it.

"We're getting out of here, right?" No one answered her question, instead shuffling their feet in awkward silence. Ty was still sort of hugging me, one arm draped over my shoulders, staring at the ground. As for me?

I wasn't even breathing, keeping the silence so quiet that you could hear a feather drop.

Taylor sighed. "Well then. I guess we could try some activity to keep our minds off of things?"

"Like what?" Adam snapped. "Who gets to play Vore first? How fun!" I blinked in surprise at his outburst. What was his problem?


"Sounds like 'fun'. Do I get to go first?" He asked sarcastically. Taylor's eyes seemed to flash ice blue, and she growled, "At least I'm not some part god freak like you." Ty dragged me quickly against the side of the hut as Adam's eyes flashed bright yellow. He was about to raise his fist and do a 'Hulk Smash!' When Dan barked "Stop, just stop! No fighting!" As I buried my face against Ty with trepidation.

"Adam." Ty said slowly. "We're all tense, but fighting isn't the answer." He slowly blinked at him before slumping against the wall, shaking. My chest tightened at the similarity between him and a heartbroken puppy.

"I... I want to go home." He almost whispers. "I wanna go back to Washington. To the rainy days, to the water ports to the University, to YouTube to-" His voice tightens and breaks off as he covers his face with his hands.

I slowly parted from Ty and picked my way over to Adam, gaining a few encouraging nods from Amy, Nathan, Hailey and Ashlyn, who were standing beside a confused Canadian and Bacca. I slowly sat down beside Adam and gently hugged him. He flinched, then languidly wrapped his arms around me. He shuddered as I rested my head against his chest, hearing his fast paced heartbeat and feeling his warmth as everyone sat in silence.

Finally, Adam sighed quietly.

"Thank you." He murmured in my ear. I shrugged barely, as to say 'Don't mention it', tilting my head slightly and pressing one side of my face against him as I caught Ty watching. He seemed to be looking at Adam in a way that seemed concerned, sad, depressed and irritated all the same.

Then I noticed Seto frowning at Taylor, who was staring guiltily almost at her hands.

"... Ice." Was all he said as if to start another conversation. Her head jerked up at Seto before she nodded. "In the desert." He continued. Taylor hesitated.

"Y-yeah, an ice mage in the desert."

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