Chapter 23

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Jordan's POV

     I slowly flicked my new tail back and forth, marveling at how this was possible. I mean, this isn't, right? I asked myself. I shook my head, slowly flexing the wings open. But of course, the wingspan couldn't fit in the building. Heck, I myself couldn't fit!

     I abruptly jumped upward, toppling the remaining of the building to the side. There we go, now I can try this new form out. I spread my wings out again, giving them both a good look again before lightly flapping them. The black webbing of the wings between the red structure of them curled slightly.

     "Interesting..." I muttered to myself. I looked up from my observation to see smoke. Maybe I can help, or get help. I sprang forward, flapping my wings. I felt a rush of air as I soared into the air.

Samantha's POV

     "Dan!?" I called out as soon as Seto landed, letting go of him as I noticed him blushing (Seto btw).

     "Owh... My head!" Dan groaned. A skeletal dog ran up to him as soon as he and Ty landed, jumping up his knee and barking in excitement. Dan laughed and responded to his pet with a pat on the head.

     "Hahaha, missed you too, Grimm!" He laughed happily. I looked expectantly at Seto, who understood. He pulled out the multicolored potion and handed it to Dan.

     "What potion is this? I've never seen this?" He questioned.

     "Just- Just drink it." As he took the dosage, I looked over at the others.

     "Y'all ok?" I asked. Adam snorted.

     "Y'all?" He questioned. I glared at him until he respectfully turned his gaze, muttering something about manners. Then Hailey piped up.

     "Yup, I think we're good." She paused hesitantly. "Where did Herobrine run off to?"

     "... Maybe to the Nether?" Nathon suggested. I nodded thoughtfully.

     "But what does Herobrine have to do with dragons?" I asked. No one had an answer.

     "I believe that we should focus on Herobrine." I whirled around to see Wildstar pick her way through the burnt stalks of grass.

     "Wildstar!" I ran over to her quickly, hugging her.

     "Glad to everyone's ok." I decided. Everyone nodded while Wildstar patted me on the head.

     "Phew! I'm tired." She yawned.

     "Shouldn't we like... Set camp?" Ashlyn piped.

     "Th-that's a good idea." Kermit stammered, looking superstitiously back at the now-dying fire. He was obviously nerved by the attack.

     "Alrighty then!" Adam clapped his hands together. "Where's the wood?" Ty facepalmed and pointed at the trees behind him. "Oh... Totally knew that." Adam muttered before punching the tree with a bam!, sending it toppling.

     "... Remind me to not get on your bad side." Jerome announced.

     "... Same here." Mitch agreed. I started laughing when I heard a loud crash! and "Ouch!" I jumped a foot in the air in surprise.

     "Did you guys here that?" I asked incredulously.

     "Hear what?" Amy looked around curiously.

     "I heard it." Ty and Hailey responded at the same time. They both glanced at each other in surprise as I wandered around the edge of the clearing, swerving past the fallen tree.

     "Hello?" I asked quietly.

     "H-hello? Can you help me?" I froze when two large red eyes stared back at me.

     "Dragon alert! Dragon alert!"

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