Chapter 30

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Samantha's POV

A sudden rumble broke off the greetings as the sky started to turn black. "Wildstar!" I yelled. "Those dragons could be of use right about now."

"Don't talk about us as if we're not here." NoteBlock muttered, barely coherant over the howling wind, which got by far louder.

"Get the others outta here!" Wildstar barked, flying off with Noteblock. I turned to Adam.

"We got to run. Now!" I urged. He nodded and looked back at Ty as a dragon came out of nowhere, snatching me up in its jaws. I screamed in surprise before grabbing a dagger and stabbing its muzzle. It snarled, dropping me before catching me again with its claws and then blew hot purple flames around the others. "Ty!" I called out, squirming in its grip. Did I mention how much I hate being 'man-handled'?

A hot fireball hit the 'overgrown lizard' in the chest, making it rear back in anger, then it suddenly spread its wings and took off.


Ty's POV

"No!" I snarled, about to throw another fireball when the fire around us was suddenly doused. I stopped my charge and looked around in confusion.

"Um... I don't feel too safe right now." Kermit piped up lightly.

"Same here." Mitch agreed, edging over to Jordan.

"Shall I go after her?" He offered.

"Please do." I snapped. He took off from the ground and sailed into the air.

"Um... What do we do?" Ian asked, looking at the doused fire. A roar suddenly reverberated through the air.

"You had to ask." Nathan muttered. A huge dragon with yellow markings suddenly swooped down and snatched all of us in its claws and took off into the air again.

"I don't like this!" Seto yelled angrily, smashing his fist against the sharp claws.

"Now I know how Samantha felt that one time!" I muttered. (Yeah, that's coming soon. ):3 )

'Hey, what are you doing here? I'm the one who usually breaks the fourth wall!'

(Not anymore! *smirks and disappears*)

'FGY&*UIJHBFCDES$R%T^YUJK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please wait for 5 hrs.) . . . . .'

*****Time skip of Attack On Titans! (Adam: why? -.- Me: cuz I feel like it, shaddup)*****

"Ty. Ty!"

"Wha?" I groaned, slowly opening my eyes. Me and Adam were both in a cell, chained and staring at each other. "Wh- where are the others? " I asked, automatically looking for Samantha. Mark my words, when this is all over, I'm taking her out on a real date! (Yeah, hold me to it readers... 'sue me', if I don't)

"Something about a dragon queens Hatching Day? Dunno."

"Exactly my point, Sky." A chilling voice sent shivers down my spine as I looked through the door. Derpy eyes stared back at me.

"Uh... Adam, isn't that your Squidy doppleganger?" I asked.

"Yup." Adam muttered.

"Oh, this is going to be fun!" The General replied gleefully, clapping his hands together. "First, you'll get to watch the feast. Then, if your precious girlfriend makes it, then she'll be the death of you! And finally, Sky, you'll be tortured and experimented on until you beg for death! Cheery, isn't it? Doesn't it sound like such fun!?" This won't end well now, will it?

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