Chapter 27

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From now on, Antvenom will just be nicknamed Ant, ok?

Taylor's POV

I finally snapped out of my long-lasted quietness and spun around to face the others.

"Well what are ya'll waitin' for?" I snapped. "Go after her, someone!" No one made a move until a screech echoed in the distance. Wildstar quickly flapped her wings and took off to intercept the incoming dragons. I looked at everyone, from Adam to Ant to Nathan. Still nothing. Fuming with electric hot anger, I strode forward and clapped in front of Ty.

"Go. After. Her." I repeated. Then someone finally spoke up.

"Perhaps it's best if she had some time alone." Adam murmured, half to himself.

"What?" I asked quietly, then shrieked "What!?" He flinched and crept behind Seto. "How can you say that!?" I raged. "First it was Wildstar, now Samantha!" I glared at Adam before whirling on my heels and running in a random direction.

"Honestly, men are so dense!" I shot over my shoulder before disappearing behind the trees. Splotches of green whizzed past me as I kept running to chase away my anger. I was beyond furious. They were turning on each other! I could already picture it. First they'll distrust each other, then friendships would go amiss and then Samantha and Ty-

Woah, Taylor, woah. I scolded myself. That's out of bounds. I really need to just calm down...

"E-excuse me?" I stopped running and turned around to see a girl staring after me curiously, leaning against a blocky spruce tree. "Are you ok?" She questioned. I took in her appearance. She had dirty blonde hair with blue hazel eyes. She had skin just about as pale as Samantha. (which is quite pale). She also was wearing a black jacket over a deep blue shirt and red shoes similar to Adam's.

"Of course I'm ok," I lied, turning back around.

"You're lying." She sighed. I scowled and turned back, marching up to her. "I heard and saw everything. Is King Sky really related to Herobrine?" She piped up. I frowned.

"Just how long have you been here?" I asked.

"Enough to know that you all are not from Minecraftia." I sighed and rested my hands on the top of my head for a moment, lost in thought.

"... What do you want?" I finally responded. She seemed to brighten up.

"I want adventure!" She chirped. "I want to help King Sky too, and some of your companions are dragons!"

"So are the bad guys apparently." I muttered, then spoke louder.

"What's your name?"

"Kayla." I hesitantly extended my hand, grabbing her's and shaking it slowly.

"I'm Taylor... Well then, Kayla, welcome to the Company of Team Crafted and Friends."

Samantha's POV

Air. That was all I desired. I couldn't move, but I could feel the oxygen trickling through my windpipe. But was I even breathing? I felt something suddenly prick my arm, making me weakly writhe in pain.

"She's waking up!" A male voice hissed, slightly robotic as if through an electronic.

"We'll give her more. If all goes well, which by now it should, then her allegiance will be to you, My Lord." Another prick in the other arm and I gaped my mouth open in a silent wail for help. That's all I was. Helpless.

A while later, the drug did its work on weakening me. It was as if my muscles had lost feeling, and I lay limp and alone. I continued to despair when I heard a familiar snarl, quiet enough to not alert the squids.

Was that Galápagos? I heard a few silent rips as the squids were ripped till dead, and the loud clatters of their water helmets dropped to the ground. I heard a snap of chains, and my wrists were freed of a numbing pressure. Same with my legs. I really was being rescued. I felt a tiny flutter of hope in my chest as I heard loud footsteps, shuffling and getting closer. Definetly a dragon's doing.

I was picked up by the midriff and carried away from my prison. I weakly managed to open my eyes, just a crack, and spotted the blurry dragon just passed my eyelids.

I was now safe, I was being rescued. I let out a quiet sigh and closed my eyes, giving up my tight grip on consciousness and slipped into a dark sleep.

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