Chapter 51

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Mitch's POV

     "Hullo? Biggums? Anybody hea?" I called out, walking through a forest. The dark oak trees loomed over me, making me feel small and insignificant. I walked under a giant mushroom when I heard something. A growl, deep and raspy. I hurried forward, almost tripping on tree roots until I burst out of the forest and into a clearing, spotting a collection of chests in the middle of it, and a tall walling around it. Recognizing the commonly seen building, I turned around, only to find it blocked by the wall as well. Suspicious, I turned around again to spot someone on the other side. It was Jerome.

     "Biggums!" I called out happily, waving. He didn't respond. Concerned, I started running over to him. My run was fast at first, but the closer I got to him, the more details I could make out, and the slower I went until I stopped a few ten feet in front of him. His usually neat appearance was missing, and he looked exactly like his Minecraft skin still, but his fur was really tangled, dirt embedded as well. His suite was ragged, and his tie had a bit of red liquid on it too. I truly hoped that that wasn't blood.

     "Jerome. Jerome buddy, what are you doing?" I started approaching him when he growled again. I widened my eyes and stepped back. He was the one who growled. "Jerome..." I realized something was in my hands, and I looked down. I was holding a diamond sword in one hand, a bow in the other. I felt behind my back, feeling a quiver stocked with bows. I realized what was going on. I was being set up to kill my best friend. And yet it wasn't him. It was his evil side. It-it had to be

     Jerome held up a diamond axe(*cough* Betty *cough*) in a defensive posture and took a threatening step towards me, baring his teeth. I quickly turned and started running, hearing him chase after me. Yeah, I guess this is what happens when you joke too much about him being a wild Bacca, because this must be what it was.

     I jumped up on a small ledge of the Middle and hauled myself up, repeating the parkour until I reached the top. I peered back over the way I had came, not seeing him. Until I was tackled from behind. I yelled in surprise as Jerome snarled and clawed my back, ripping my hoodie. We both hit the ground, and I threw him off of me. He took Betty off his back and swiped at me with it. I ducked and fired an arrow, hitting his foot. He howled in anger and leaped at me, ready to behead me. I rolled to the side and slashed at his arm with my sword, my heart quivering at his whimper of pain as he dropped Betty. I grabbed it from him as he dropped it and then I whirled around and kicked him, sending him sprawling. I quickly ran at him and pinned him with my foot, keeping my weight on his chest as he snarled in vain.

     Usually I don't hesitate to kill tributes, but this was my best friend! In my hesitation though, Jerome shoved me off of him and leaped on me, his fangs ready to rip into me. I brought my hands up in front of me, bracing myself and forgetting that I was still holding my diamond sword, when nothing happened. Mystified, I looked up to see Jerome's pained face before he slumped to the ground beside me, the diamond sword now edged with blood. My breathing quickened and I threw the sword away and scrambled back from where it lay in the grass.

     "No..." I gasped, staring at my best friend. "No no no no, no no!" I fell to my knees, feeling eyes tear up as I buried my face in my hands. I just killed him, I just-I-I.... I was trembling, feeling like my heart was torn in half. I felt like I lost everything, like I had nothing to live for. Like if you tried to live in your life, when you can only use half of your body. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry biggums." I sobbed, letting tears soak on to my hands.

"Don't worry about Jerome, he's still alive, Mitchell Donnell Ralph Hughes..." I looked up to see a guy before me, and I almost gasped. He looked exactly like Seto, except for orange and yellow instead of purple. "What, have you never seen a sorcerer before?" He scoffed, noticing my surprise. I tried to say something, but all I could do was leave my mouth hanging wide open.

     "You-but-why-what?" I stammered. He sighed in exasperation.

     "Let me put it this way: Everyone has an opposite side of themselves, do they not?" I nodded. "Well, I am SetoSorcerer's opposite; I'm SetoBlaze, but you can call me Blaze." I finally closed my mouth and nodded again.

     "Oh-oh kay... but did you..." I waved my hand at Jerome's still form. "... Do this?"

     "Ah well." He waved his hand, and the surroundings changed from the Hunger Games arena and in a castle. Herobrine's castle. I turned around to see my friends, unconscious and lying on the floor. I ran over to them, gently nudging the nearest person, Amy.

     "Amy? Amy." She didn't stir. I scanned the others, seeing that they were the same, but Jerome... Jerome was ok after all. I sighed in relief and stood back up,turning to see Blaze on the other end of the hall, Adam and Samantha's unconscious forms beside him.

     "What... what did you do them?" I demanded. He shook his head.

     "What did I do for you." He was suddenly at my side, looking behind me. I started at his sudden teleport, then turned to follow his gaze. I caught sight of a familiar checkered pattern, and then I saw myself. But he was asleep, peacefully.

     "This is a dream." I murmured. Blaze nodded.

     "It's more like a dream simulation, if you must." I stole a glance at him, trying to not think about how much he looked like Seto.

     "But why?"

     "Master Herobrine said that in order for you to enter his mansion, you must enter the test and pass it." A shiver ran down my spine.

     "Master Herobrine?" I echoed. He nodded. I took a step back. "Than that means that you're not on our side." He closed his eyes partially.

     "Wrong." He said in an "a matter of fact." voice. "Herobrine is on the same side as the Ender girl."

     "Samantha, you mean?" I questioned. He closed his eyes and nodded.


     "Th-then what about the dragons?"

     "Herobrine is waiting for you." Blaze had completely skipped over my question as he opened his eyes again. "You'd best get to him before the Twilight beasts come."  Then he waved his hand in front of my eyes. "Now, Mitchell, you need your rest..." I started growing tired, swaying a little.

     "Right, magic. Sorcerer." I mumbled. He smirked.

     "Right, except this trick doesn't cost me my energy. This is merely a potion, created using blaze powder, mist-or water vapor- and of course the skill of a sorcerer."

     "But..." I weakly protested, then suddenly fell forward. Blaze caught me easily and laid me down beside the others.

     "They'll be waking up soon too, Mitchell, so don't worry about most of them."

     "Most of them...?" I managed to ask, my eyelids growing heavy.

     "I'm sending the non-hybrids to Herobrine so that they can return home, but the Prophecy states that Herobrine must fight the hybrids."


     "Ah, he never told you it, did he? Real shame, he should stop being so mysterious. Especially since he carries the one about that Ender girl."

     "What... about... her?" I then closed my eyes, and lost consciousness, missing Blaze's reply.

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