Chapter 53

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     It was ominously silent, except for our footsteps as we walked through one last hallway, then took a left turn. The room was beautiful in my eyes, the obsidian was shining in its deep color, mesmerizing alongside dark oak furniture. And there was a portal too, one exactly like the one that had brought us all into this mess. Finally, there was the host himself, standing next to a window on the indoor balcony, his back facing us. I swallowed hard and took a step forward when Seto grabbed me by the arm.

     "Wait." He murmured. Then Herobrine spoke, still facing away from us.

     "So you've finally made it, and here we stand." He said quietly. "My hands are bound under the Twilight beasts, so I am to cover up my true loyalties by fighting you. After all, the Prophecy speaks of it."

     "Uh, what Prophecy?" Adam asked. Herobrine finally turned and faced us with his glowing white eyes.

     "The Sorcerer knows what I mean." Seto looked a bit squeamish at his words.

     "Seto?" Kittin asked, placing her hand on his shoulder. "What is it?" He was silent for a moment, then ignited his hands.

     "I think we should put on a good show then, shall we?" He growled, then threw a fireball at Herobrine. He deflected it with his fists, sending it crashing to the side while smirking. Then he closed his eyes, and red magic suddenly surrounded him, and I heard a lot of groaning behind us. Everyone except Seto moved forward, getting between me and him as an army of zombies, creepers, skeletons, Endermen and spiders came around the corner. Seto sealed the hallway with a forcefield, keeping them temporarily at bay.

     "We shall." Adam took of his sunglasses and handed them to me.

     "Hold those." He glared at Herobrine with his golden eyes, then was suddenly next to him, and took a swing. They both started sparring at each other, teleporting everywhere. Kittin almost got hit by Herobrine at one point when Seto grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and yanked her back, almost having her run into her.

     "Th-thanks." She stammered, a blush creeping over her. I raised my eyebrow as Mitch handed me a bow and arrows. Did she like him? I narrowed my eyes at her as she stepped away from Seto, feeling suddenly defensive. Wait, did I like him? Nah, I couldn't. I mean, he is cute I guess, and has a great personality, but... I didn't feel anything for him, that's for sure.

     I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ty grabbed me and flew up, saving me from an Enderman. I looked down, and it met my gaze. I would have quickly averted my gaze when it stared back at me, peacefully. Then I realized that it wasn't even going to attack me. Why?

     Then Mitch sniped it with his diamond sword and killed it. A small wave of sadness hit me as Ty set me down on the balcony, ducking to avoid Herobrine and Adam.

     "You good?" He asked, landing beside me. I nodded and closed my eyes, thinking about the Enderman and my Ender half. Was it because I was part Ender?

     I heard Ty gasp, and my eyes snapped open.

     "What?" I asked. He was staring at me in confusion and awe.

     "Your... your outfit..." He was at loss for words. I finally looked down at myself and I gasped as well. I was wearing a pure black cloak over a white t-shirt, and now I was wearing purple rubber bands on my wrists. My eyes were now purple I think, and my hair was still brown, and I was wearing black shorts and black knee high shoes with purple lacing.

     "Wh... what...?"I questioned out loud. I looked back up and realized that Seto was staring at me with a mix of emotions. Sadness, awe, surprise, and happiness. I stared back at him for a second before I started smiling.

     "Watch out!" Ty yelled, grabbing me and the both of us falling to the floor. A loud bam! shook the entire mansion, distracting Seto as an Enderman teleported in front of him and smacked him, sending him sprawling. Kittin leaped on it and clawed at it, while Amy was kind of hiding behind Mitch, who was in a defensive posture.

     "Sorry I'm late guys!" Disbelief flooded me as a guy dressed up in a yellow shirt with a green creeper jacket and jeans leaped through the hole made by tnt, which had caused the explosion.

     "Igor!" I called out in delight. "How did you find us?"

     "Well I was having a dream when I was off living my Minecraftian life when this guy who looked a whole lot like Seto gave me a potion and directions." He explained with each swing of his diamond sword, hacking away at mobs.

     "Uh, hang on, lemme try something." I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my power. What was truly lurking beneath the depths of my layers? (IT'S NEVER OGRE XD naw? ok... :<) I felt someone gently grab both of my hands, and I opened my eyes to see Seto.

     "You feel this?" He asked, and I felt something between our hands, it almost felt like between a magnet's negative and positive, but stronger.


     "Ok, now try imagining that as your own." I closed my eyes again, imagining what the power had felt like. When I opened my eyes, I saw magenta flames dancing in both of our palms as the tingly feeling continued to vibrate in my hands.

     "Woah." I pulled my hands back and the flames snuffed out. "Did I do that."


     "Bg-h- H-how did you know that could happen?"

     "Because you're a sorceress, Samantha." I looked up at him.

     "And how do you know that for sure?" He took a deep breath as if about to say something very important.

     "Because-" His words were cut of when Herobrine crashed into him, taking both of them to the wall. I looked the opposite way to see Adam smirking.

     "Yeah, don't underestimate the power of budder!" He crowed. "Ya had enough yet-?" His gloating was cut off when Herobrine smashed back into him, with an irritated SetoSorcerer flying after him with fiery fists.

     "Samantha, get in here! We need assistance plz!" Ty shouted from downstairs. I managed to summon the small fire again, the tiny flames dancing in my hand. Now larger, I thought. I felt the power even more, imagining it coursing through my body as I threw the fire. It grew even larger as it flew, almost engulfing the whole room if I didn't keep it from catching Amy, Kittin, Mitch, Igor and Ty on fire. They all turned and stared up at me, flabbergasted. I merely waved shyly, breathing heavily. Right, gotta keep myself from doing that to much.

     I grabbed my bow and started firing at the incoming mobs, giving them enough time to gather themselves and fight again. Mob after mob after arrow after arrow. In the distance, I thought I heard a distant roar.

     Guess the battle's officially starting.

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