Chapter 18

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Ty's POV

     I sprang forward as Adam fell forward, his eyes dimming. I managed to catch him just before he hit the ground, then set him down gently as my mind whirled. Was he now related to Herobrine?

     I barely noticed Notch's angel squat down beside me, doing her healing stuff.

     "He's fine, but his heart is beating wildly for someone unconscious." She didn't sound worried though. Seto gave her a red potion, which she gave to Adam as I slowly got up to see if anyone else was hurt. I immediately spotted NightShade limp on the ground against the tree. I sprinted past Adam and Kittinpaws to her, gently pulling her off the tree and cradling her head.

     "Samantha?" I asked softly, feeling her pulse. It was weak, but still going. Suddenly she stirred awake. I braced myself for any unexpected fight. She looked up at me, her eyes shining as she sadly smiled.

     "Ty?" Samantha asked quietly. I sighed in relief, helping her into a sitting position. She immediately hugged me, her tail curled beside her and flicking back and forth.

     "What-what happened?" I asked her. Her wings did a slight flutter. She looked like she was about to cry.

     "I-I don't know." She stammered. "It was like I was not in control of my actions, a -and... th-there was a-a voice that told me her name w-was Ni-NightShade." I blinked in surprise.

     "Same here. Enderlox sounded sort of like me, but..." I trailed off staring at her wings. They were pitch black, matching her hair now. "Y-Your hair and..." I tried to talk, but I just broke off as she stared at me, confused. "Your hair's pitch black now, and your eyes are a dark purple-red." She blinked at me before blushing and looking away.

     "I bet I look hideous." She muttered. I kissed her on the head.

     "I don't care what you're like. You're still Samantha Verona." She looked back at me with a soft smile when a weak voice said "Aw, get a room you two..." Samantha chuckled as she turned to Adam, who had managed to prop himself on his elbows.

     "Nice to see you too." She scoffed. Adam rolled his eyes.

     "Well of course, everyone loves meh, whatchyu talking 'bout?" I couldn't help but start quietly chuckling, which steadily grew to a healthy laugh. Everyone else who had been on the sidelines joined in. We stopped laughing when a tree branch snapped. Someone was coming.

     Seto's hand caught a purple fire, Jason managed to get up, Adam pulled himself to his feet, Samantha flapped her wings, Quentin pulled out a water gun, Kermit held up an iron sword, and Kittinpaws had a katana. Wildstar and her friends crouched slightly as some people came into view. We saw who it was, and we gaped in shock, making everyone stare at each other in surprise.

     Then I was the first to break the silence.

     "I guess we haven't seen you guys in a long time, have we? Mitch, Jerome, Dan, Taylor (AntVenom), Tyler, Igor and Felix?"

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