Chapter 47

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Ty's POV

I felt really sore when I woke up. I sat up with a groan, fixing the headphones on my head, which were crooked. To my dismay, they were cracked. Relax Ty, they're just headphones, they're fixable anyways, I scolded myself. I pulled myself to my feet, then looked around. Where am I anyway?

I was in a dark room that had mirrors all around it, and it wasn't made of squares. I seemed to be back in the normal world. But I heard sobbing behind me, so I turned around to see what was wrong. A figure was in the corner, hugging his or her knees and burying their head in their knees.

"Hello?" I asked, edging over to them. I made out the figure's outfit, spotting in their hand a pair of sunglasses. The person was wearing black gloves with white lining, and a black and grey outfit. Then when I was close enough,, the person looked up. It was Adam. He was gritting his teeth in pain, tears dribbling down his face, but his eyes... his eyes were glowing.

"You failed me Ty." He croaked, his eyes flickering. His voice was a little raspy, and a touch deeper than normal. My cheeks flushed, and my eyes started watering. Guilt was flooding through me.

"No, no no no, Adam." I kneeled in front of him, on all fours. "Adam, I haven't failed you."

"You've failed me." He repeated, sobbing. "You let us down. H-how could you betray us?" I backed away from him and stood up, spotting my reflection. I was holding a bloody knife, my eyes glowing violet and glittering with malice. My reflection flashed a crooked smile, one of an insane murderer. I gritted my teeth at the sight.

"You." I hissed. "Get out of my sight." Then the reflection looked behind me, smiling even wider.

"T-Ty...." I froze. No, I know that voice. I whirled around to see Samantha, who was staring at me in horror with her eyes also glowing purple, with a knife embedded in her chest. "H-how could you..." She whispered. I swallowed hard and stared at her, not understanding.

"What are you-" The knife. It was the same one I was holding, the same one that was piercing her skin. Her eyes closed partially and she swayed. I flew forward and caught her before she fell. Then her eyes fluttered open, looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Ty... I l-loved you.... how... could you...?" Then she trailed off, and I felt a tear dribble down my cheek.

"S-Samantha wha... what are you talking about?" I whispered, surprised at her words. First of all, she really did love me? I did not expect that.. She didn't answer, just stared up at me. I felt like someone punched me in the gut when I realized. She was gone, her eyes were no longer lustrous and her heart no longer beating. I looked back up and into a mirror, still seeing my other side smiling at me with a wicked and spiteful look in his eyes, his EnderDragon wings spread out behind him and his tail whipping around. Enderlox. The beast inside of me.

I couldn't stand it any longer and screamed, letting out my pain and frustration and anger as I held my hands on each side of my head and closing my eyes, the mirrors suddenly shattering into a billion pieces. A thousand glitters twirling in the air, it was so beautiful, had not one of my best friends lay here dead in my arms, and one of them also laying in the corner, saying I've betrayed him.

I finally lost my breath and stared down at my girlfriend's frozen and scared face, feeling so depressed. I had failed, I had failed them both, and the others. I was supposed to bring them home. Safely. The guilt, grief and anger swirled around in my vision as I sobbed loudly, hugging Samantha and burying my face in her hair.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." I cried, until my vision went black, and I blacked out.

"Congratulations Tyler Warren Ellis, you've passed my test..."

Kittin's POV

I sat up with a yawn, then remembered what had happened. The dragon. The mist. Ty. I looked around quickly, seeing no one else around, all that was nearby was the trees and a hazy mist. I was in a clearing, lying next to a tiny pond the size of my head. Feeling oddly curious, I leaned forward and looked into it. The breeze stirred suddenly, and images formed on the surface. 

     Samantha was running from a dragon, who was only a few inches away from snapping her up. Ty and Adam were back to back, facing an endless sea of squids on their own. Kayla, Wildstar, Taylor, Any and Ashlyn were being chased by more upgraded squids, who were about to grab them. One had already gotten Hailey, who was screaming for help as she was being dragged to the ocean nearby. Ian, Mitch and Jerome were in a tight circle to fend off mobs that had blank and white eyes, obeying a certain someone's orders.

     Then there was Seto. He was against the wall, breathing heavily and struggling to get up. He barely deflected a fireball before falling on his side, laying down before Herobrine and passing out. I gasped and jerked back before the water could show anymore, like if Herobrine killed him or not, and covered my eyes. Why were such horrible things being showed to me!?

     After a moment, I lowered my hands, only to gasp again and see myself, sort of. She was looking back at me with her lips pulled back in a huge evil smirk, revealing her feline sharp teeth. Her left ear was all scratched up, and there was a touch of blood on her cheek.

     "You've failed them." My reflection purred. Tears gathered in my eyes as I remembered the visions that were just showed to me. Were they true? Where were they, and why could I not save them? "Yes, realize what you've done. You betrayed them to Herobrine and left them to fend for themselves." She continued to say, her voice brittle and cold, yet smooth like honey. My eyes started to close as tears trickled onto my hands and on my lap as I stared grief stricken at the reflection. How could I do something like this? I may be partially related to Herobrine, but... this? This was too much!

     "No no, you really did do this." My reflection quickly added. Too quickly, for my tastes. I narrowed my eyes, my tears stopping.

     "You're wrong." I croaked. "I would never do this, never."

     "It will happen anyway, whether you're there for them or not!" She hissed. I bared my teeth and snarled at the reflection.

     "You're wrong! I will be there for them every step of the way, and I will not let Herobrine stop me! NEVER!!!!!!!" With that, I raised my hand (paw) and brought it smashing against the surface of the puddle, breaking its surface into a million shatters of rippling light and breaking the reflection. I couldn't help but think how beautiful it appeared to be before I suddenly lost feeling and my vision went dark as I blacked out.

     "Congratulations Kittinpaws, you have passed the test..."

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A/N hullo, need to ask something real quick. For everyone who has a character in this trilogy (yeah, there's gonna be a third one for sure :3), I need you to re-mention your character's name and say what they're afraid of/their worst nightmare. For example, Kittinpaws already inserted her's:

"Kittin's worst fear is not being able to protect her friends"

So please please please do this or you all are gonna have to wait for an update for like, ever *narrows eyes and cracks knuckles* and we don't want that, do we? *smiles* jk... but still ...*glares*

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