Chapter 45

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     "Well, I guess we're on our on." I started walking along side the walls of the outside of the castle, Adam tagging close behind me.

      "Well how far we gotta walk!?" He griped behind me. I whirled around to face him, giving him an ice cold glare.

     "First of all, don't panic, we'll be fine, and second of all, we have to find a secret passage, it's up to us to how long it takes to find us." I then turned and started walking again.

     "All right, there was no need to go all "Agent May" on me." He grumbled, starting to walk after me. I shot a grin at him.

     "Well at least we can take care of ourselves." We both explored the walls of the structure, feeling for any hidden buttons or switches.

     "Well, no luck so far?" Adam asked when we met up again.

     "No, none so far." I scanned the foliage nearby, inspecting each block of decoration. Well of course it's not gonna be easy, we are dealing with a god here. What did we expect? I then spotted a block lighter than the others around it.

     "Adam." I ran up to it, and turned the corner to see a lever. "Here we are, I think." I flicked it, and a hidden staircase showed up from the ground, the grass blocks covering it shoved under it. Past the stairs yawned darkness.

     "Uh... wh-we're not going down that are we?" Adam asked nervously. I rolled my eyes at him.

     "You're more powerful than Herobrine and you're afraid of the dark?"


     "That was rhetorical." I pulled out a torch and summoned my ender half. "Let's go." I started climbing down the stairs, leaving Adam grumbling complaints as he clambered after me. I blinked my eyes a few times, realizing that with my ender half I had also gained night vision.

     "Interesting." I murmured, handing the torch to Adam. "Here, you need this more than I do. I'm a go check ahead for mobs." I flew forward, the tip of my wings skimming the roof of the passage way until it was only two blocks in height. I landed, then looked around. Even though it was dark, there was nothing.

     "K, it's clear!" I called out, my voice echoing ominously. A few moments later he came stumbling over to me.

     "S-Samantha?" His voice was higher than normal. "W-where are you?"

     "Right here." I touched his shoulder and he yelped loudly in surprise, which echoed hard against the walls.

     "Goddangit Samantha don't do that!" He snapped. "What if you were something worse? What if Herobrine kidnapped us both- ya know what, don't freakin' ever do that again ok!?"

     "Oh-oh kay... sorry." I murmured, understanding his concern. The anger in his eyes faded.

     "Ok, let's just get back to the others. Where to next?" It took me a moment to realize he was acknowledging me as leader of ourselves.

     "Uh, right uh..." I closed my eyes and reached out with my telepathy, calling out for Ty. When it didn't work, I gritted my teeth and opened my eyes again. "Let's just get through this tunnel."

Ty's POV

     "Where do we go, Seto?" I asked again. We were walking up staircases for the past hour, surely we were at the top?

     "Ty, if you keep asking it'll seem even longer." Seto panted, glancing over my head to make sure everyone else was keeping up. Wildstar was right behind me, but the others were lagging a little bit.

"Can we... take a... break?" Kayla wheezed. I sighed.

"Yeah, let's take a break." I said to Seto.

"Hang on now. We're almost... there!" He announced as we hit the last staircase. Everyone hauled themselves past me and flopped onto the floor, gasping for air as me and Seto walked past them to explore.

     "What's that?" I asked, pointing at an extinguished torch. Seto didn't answer.

     "There's more." He murmured. "Only except for that one." The torch was a beacon in the darkness, beckoning us over with its sphere of light. Seto walked past me and started toward it, his eyes large and unblinking as he stared at it. "It's so... beautiful."

     "Seto?"  tugged on his sleeve, but he didn't budge. "Seto." I spotted something shift in the shadows. "Seto watch out!" I pushed him away in time for something large and heavy to smash down on my leg. I yelled in pain as I heard a snap, pain exploding in my left foot (#Ty'sLeftFootAnyone?)

    "No! He was supposed to die, you got in the way!" A deep raspy voice wailed just above me. What!? Was someone trying to kill Seto? Why!?

     "Ty!" I heard a snarl, and the weight that pinned me lifted. I continued to yell, lying limp on the floor as I saw what hurt me out of the corner of my eye. The dragon snarled and retreated back as I was carefully picked up by another dragon. I groaned and gritted my teeth as I was set down beside Seto, who was shaking his head and looking around in confusion.

     "Get him out of here. I'll take care of this pathetic excuse of a dragon." Wildstar growled in her dragon form. She charged after the retreating dragon as Seto finally snapped out of his trance and scrambled over to me.

     "Ty!" He gasped, but I could barely hear him. My vision was fuzzy, and my hearing was off. And I was so... tired.

     "I'm so sorry, tell Samantha that I love her." I managed to murmur, seeing purple and magenta flames before I blacked out and went limp.

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