Chapter 38

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Ian's POV

I knew something was up as soon as I saw Samantha. She was staring deeply into the fire, seemingly mesmerized by the dancing flames.

Was she a pyromaniac or something?

I didn't know where Ty was, he was probably still foraging, but I had collected enough wool and mutton for everyone, while I was also the only one back.

I casually sat down next to Samantha, careful to not startle her as I started cooking the raw meat in my inventory.

"Hi." I said slowly. She sullenly looked up at me with slightly golden eyes.

"... Hi." She quietly replied. I was a little confused on why her eyes were a different color, but I distracted myself with the mutton to avoid burning it. I noticed Samantha staring hungrily as I placed the raw meat above the fire.

"Samantha, you ok?" I questioned, giving her a puzzled glance. She quickly shook out of it and turned away.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just... I don't know why, but... I'm famished."

"Here, take some." I handed her two pieces of cooked mutton. "I've gotten enough for everyone." She didn't even say anything as she snatched the meat and gnawed it hungrily down. I blinked a few times before collecting another piece of cooked mutton.

"So... Good..." She murred, closing her eyes. I casually waved my hand in front of her face, a little confused on what just happened.

"S-Samantha? Are you feeling well?" She slowly opened her eyes, which revealed a small glint of fear in them. They were glowing yellow.

"I... I... I-I gotta go!" She jumped to her feet and ran blindly into the forest, right past a startled Jordan.

"Wait, Samantha!" I scrambled to my feet and ran after her, ignoring the fact that the meat I left would be scavenged from or burnt.

What mattered was that something was wrong with my friend.

Samantha's POV

I was so hungry... I could hardly see straight right now as I ran into the thick undergrowth to stay hidden. My breaths were deeper, and... wait, why do I smell smoke? Was I breathing in smoke or fire? Or even worse?

My vision slowly cleared as the smell of meat faded, but I noticed that my senses were shot up x10 or something. I could hear Jordan, Adam, Ian and even Seto calling for me. I could smell animals too, but how? My sight was beyond compare, and my tastes?

I wanted flesh more than anything else, animal or not. It was as madly and infuriatingly maddeningly (said 2x for emphasis btw) more wanted than anything else. I opened my mouth to drink in the air, checking for imaginary sustenance. Suddenly everything hurt as my vision flashed gold, and I blacked out.

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