Chapter 32

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Samantha's POV

"Sam... Sa...antha, can.. ew...ear... eeh?" I could, but I felt like I was floating in the void. I couldn't feel anything. Everything was muffled. Finally I managed a weak growl, which came out more as a whimper.

"Saman...ease..." That was Ty, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I started becoming more aware of everything. Ty was hugging me tightly, pleading for me to not be hurt, or worse, dead.

"I'm... ok... I thing...-k." I murmured slowly, not blinking.

"Hey... cus... n me...." His face was just inches from mine as my vision began to focus. I finally managed to do something.

I blinked, slowly, but I blinked. My vision cleared up slightly with each blink.

"She's... n shoc..." I heard a voice that I hadn't heard in a while.

"Kit....tin?" I asked sleepily.

"Yeah I... ere..." Someone gently caressed my head, dulling the loud sounds of my heartbeat pulsing through my blood. I managed to blink again, faster.

"Yep... comin'... ound...."


"Yeah... m ...ere..." I yawned slowly, aching everywhere.

"Kittin... hurts...." I said slowly, fully pronounciating every syllable.

"Working...n it..." Liquid suddenly touched my mouth. Grimacing at the image of that dragon's gaping maw, I shiddered while consuming the healing potion.

"There we go... That's it..." I flicked my ears at Adam's soothing (and usually loud) voice. Everything was now a lot clearer, like someone had taken off really heavy headphones.

"I'm... really tire...d..." I drawled, exhausted.

"It's ok Samantha... We'll be right here." Ty was speaking. "Go to sleep... I'll be here when you wake up." He gingerly leaned down and kissed me on the cheek as I closed my eyes, giving in to the nagging tiredness.

Ty's POV

I watched as Samantha's eyes fluttered shut and Kittin smiled quietly.

"She'll feel better when she wakes up." She announced, relieved.

"Where were you?" I asked her. I caught a finch of guilt flash in her eyes, which made me narrow my eyes suspiciously.

"I was trying to go on a walk because that's the only peace I get from you all bickering." Her tone was similar to a sociopath's, with a touch of being an octave higher and slightly shrill.

I was about to challenge her statement when Amy snapped "Just drop it Ty, will ya? Your girlfriend is lying in your arms, wounded severely, and you're just questioning yet another one of her friends! Next thing you know, you won't even trust Samantha Verona herself!" That hurt me as my eyes changed from narrowed in anger to wide with disbelief and hurt.

"I-I... I mean..." Amy stammered, realizing what she said. I just lowered my gaze away from her and caressed Samantha, feeling slightly numb. "T-Ty, I-... I didn't mean that... I-I meant-"

"No, you're right." My voice was hoarse as my vision went a little watery. I kissed Samantha quietly as everyone watched me, waiting for my next move. I clenched my teeth and spoke quietly. "I have no right to doubt anyone."

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