Chapter 52

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Taylor's POV

     "Mmm..." I strained my eyes open, finding myself blinded by light for a fleeting instant, then made out my surroundings. I was in a beautiful prairie that had flowers of every color blooming, and I watched as a butterfly flew past me, flapping it's orange and black wings. I smiled and got up as I stared after the insect. Then I turned around, and jumped in surprise to see Jerome, Nathan, Kermit, Dan, Ian, Ant, Ashlyn, Hailey, Kayla, and even Quentin and Kermit were here. Kermit was sitting up and looking around, obviously confused, while Quentin was yawning and stretching as he woke.

     "Man, that nap was.." He trailed off when he saw the others. "Wait what? Uh, hi guys?" He questioned. I giggled and helped the others get wakened up by blowing cold wind on them with my magic.

     "Meh, s-so freezing here..." Ant turned over and hugged Ashlyn, who had started waking up. She immediately blushed and prodded him.

     "Uh, hey AntVenom? Mind if you wake up?" Finally, all of my friends that were here had woken and gotten up.

     "So... where are we?" Ian asked the question that was in all of our minds.

     "To put it one way," We all turned around to see a hooded figure hiding in the tree grove's shadows, only seeing his chin and slight grin. "... you're in your dream palace, and I'm here to take you back to the reality of reality."

     "Who are you?" I snapped, summoning my Frost Bite in my hands. He started chuckling, summoning fire in his hands.

     "It's nice to see someone else capable of magic one in a while. Too bad you're an Ice sorceress and I'm a Fire sorcerer." He extinguished the orange flames in his hands and pulled the hoodie off his head. Everyone gasped, and even the coldness in my hands went away as we all stared at him. Then Jerome was the first to ask.

     "Seto?" The guy let out a cheerful laugh, smiling as if everyone was perfect in the world.

     "Not quite. I'm his other side, SetoBlaze, or just Blaze." He explained.

     "Ohhhhh kay, I was confused, because you're... more orange, and Seto's more... purple..." Kermit started saying, then trailed off and shuffled his feet, slightly embarrassed at his lame explanation when Kayla swooped in.

     "Exactly, I was thinking the same thing." She piped up, smiling at Kermit, who brightened up a little bit.

     "So then who are you exactly?" Ian asked. Blaze merely held his hands up by his sides.

     "I'm here on Master Herobrine's orders to escort you to his place and bring you safely through the portal, back to reality."

     "Wait wait wait, you work for Herobrine, why should we trust you?" I demanded. He grinned.

     "Just ask Seto when the others get back, k? Plus, Master Herobrine is on the Ender girl's side, so don't worry." He started walking to the side, up to a small dirt path that I didn't see until he was beside it. "You can either stay here and get lost, becoming a Lost Spirit Demon or you can come with me." He added with a slight edge. I noticed no one else move, so I sighed inwardly and walked over to him.

     "I'd watch my back, if I were you." I growled to Blaze as I walked past him. The others hesitantly followed me while Blaze beamed at me.

     "Sure thing." He agreed, walking beside me and summoning a small flame of light to illuminate the way. "This way, to the real world."

Samantha's POV

    I finally woke up, my eyes fluttering open to see Mitch trying to stand up, only for him to trip on Adam (U SEE!? EVEN IN HIS SLEEP HE'S WITTY XD) and fall to the floor. I jumped to my feet and helped him up.

     "Uh, thanks." He said casually, scratching the back of his head.

     "How did you find us?" I asked, looking around.

     "Too difficult to explain, so help me get Adam-" I simply turned around and picked the sleeping YouTuber up bridal style and walked past Mitch. "-get awake..." He finished under his breath, jogging in front of me and led me down the hall. At one point, Adam muttered something about "Kawaii desu Skylox..." and started hugging me.

     "Hurry Mitch, before he starts kissing me." I said jokingly. He glanced back at me, almost bursting into laughter when I finally spotted some of the others unconscious. "Here, Skyjan." I said quickly, practically tossing Mitch Adam before running over to them. I found Ty and started shaking him.

     "Ty? Ty..." I said in a singsong voice. He muttered my name, curling himself up tighter. "Ty?' I realized he wasn't waking up, so I shook him harder. "Ty. Ty, Ty!" He was whimpering in his sleep, before he suddenly sprang to life, tackling me. He stared down at me with wide eyes, full of fear and grief, as well as anger. Then the fire in his eyes died when he realized who he had pinned, and he started blushing while his eyes watered.

     "Samantha!" He trapped me in a hug, shaking with emotion. "I-I thought you were... y-you were..."

     "Shh shh, it's ok, it's ok, I'm here." I assured him, hugging him back. "Although, can you let me get up?"

     "Oh." He got off of me and helped me to my feet before he hugged me again. "B-but still, you were in front of me, and there was a black knife in your chest a-and..." He trailed off, sinking into silence for a moment before collecting himself and clearing his throat. "mhm, it was awful."

     "AGH!" Both me and Ty sprang back as Adam fell out of Mitch's arms, landing on the floor with a crack! "BURMAHFREAGINGERDWHATTHEHECKMITCH!?" He screamed incoherently. We started laughing, and the surprise died in his eyes, to be replace by a glint of evil. "SAMANTHA!?"

     "Yes?" I asked, stifling a giggle.


     "I ship it." I said in a sweet voice, making Mitch and Ty laugh harder. Then Adam smiled and started laughing.

     "What's going on here?" I turned to see Seto sit up, pulling the hood over his head. Before he did, however, I thought I spotted tears on his face, and a pang of sympathy shot through me. Poor Seto, he must have a dark history too, I thought. I held out my hand, him accepting it, and I helped him up.

     "We were just messing with Adam." I explained, smirking. He grinned.

     "Interesting, you'll have to reenact that, because I missed it." Adam made a pouty face as I chuckled.

     "Anytime, Seto, anytime at all."

     "But right now, let's wake up Wildstar, Amy and Kittin, and let's get going."

     "Wait, where are the others?" Ty asked, scanning the floor. Seto was already attempting to wake Kittin up.

     "Blaze is taking care of them and getting them safely back to reality."

     "Well then who da heck is Blaze!?"

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