Chapter 29

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Kat's POV

I pulled myself to the top of the tree, pausing to take a breath as I took in the view. The mansion was glamorous, gigantic and menacing. Mostly made of netherrack and obsidian, the whole thing was around 100 blocks tall, wide and long. At least, it was only a guesstamation (guess and estimation put together). I had no doubt that this was Herobrine's hide out.

I flipped my hair back behind me, as the wind was picking up slightly and starting to blow against me. I wanted to find out what he was up to, and maybe even file up a report for king Sky. He doesn't know everyone that is on his side. I did see him and the generals together with some others that I didn't know. There was that one girl that ran off, then captured by squids and rescued by a dragon. Weren't dragons the bad guys fighting alongside Herobrine? They must be desperate to fight with Herobrine.

I chuckled to myself, wanting to keep a light mood on, when I heard a squishy sound. I looked down to see a squid making its way unsteadily to the doors. Now's my time to act. I slid my hoodie over my face and drank an invisibility potion, then slid behind it, following the disgraceful sea creature to its destination. Behind the doors.

3rd person POV (whaaaat!? lol)

The loyal squid scampered past the guards and double doors, heading straight for a hallway with red carpet and lit fires on the sides. He used a sticky tentacle to pull a blood red door open, then slid past it. He made his way to the end of the room, bowing before a figure.

"My Lord." He said in an almost squeaky voice. "The Promised One has been injected with the serum, and she will be ours by the 'morrow." The figure didn't respond, but fingered the blue curtains on the window in front of him. Then he finally spoke in a clear and deep voice.

"Good. The 'Great Sky' will finally get what he deserves. After all these years of being disgraced, Herobrine has extended the hand of a god. He and his little friends will be destroyed, and his best friend will be betrayed by the one that he loves." He turned around, revealing a bit of his blue skin.

"Find them, and keep tabs on them. I want them to be challanged, but I want them to also be led here." The General ordered his loyal servant.

"Of course my Lord." The squid bowed before quickly scampering off to follow his orders.

Kayla's POV

"I think we're lost." I finally piped up. Taylor looked back stubbornly.

"O-of course we're not lost!" She protested. I rolled my eyes. If I learned anything about her in our short time together, she's quite obstinate.

"Whatever." I sighed. Then I caught a whiff of something... burning? "Hey." I stopped for a moment, taking a deep inhale. It smelled like burnt wood.

"Was there a forest fire?" Taylor asked, picking up her pace. I heard loud, heavy footsteps when she turned just around a tree cluster.

"Wait-!" She suddenly screamed, cutting off my warning. "Taylor!?" I sprang forward, swinging past a tree to face a hungry face of a dragon. "Woah!" It yelped, rearing its neck back. I grabbed my dagger, posing to throw it.

"Where's Taylor?" I asked sternly. The dragon relaxed, unfurling its wings to reveal Taylor, shaking indignantly.

"I thought you were one of Twilight's dragons." It explained matter of factly, as if that was a good enough of a statement. Taylor scrambled away from the black creature, sneezing a black feather that was originally from its wings.

"...?... Are you a gryphon or something?" I finally asked, erasing my confusion. It shook its small muzzle.

"Nay, I'm a Wind Dragon." It pulled out one of the feathers with its claws and handed it to me. I turned it over, observing it. It was a sleek black, like a crow's but the size of a peacock feather.

"You're pretty small for a dragon." I cautiously replied. It shrugged.

"I'm only just three years old." It tipped its head, then added, "My name's Ender by the way."

"Kayla... By the way, can you help us get back to a uh... group of humans? King Sky's amongst them, and we have to get to them."

"Of course, I shan't deny thee of help, especially the enemies of my enemy."

"Wh-who is Twilight?" Taylor quietly spoke up. Ender gave her a sidelong glance.

"A dangerous beast, hates humans, and is a strong leader of bad dragons." She simplified. She looked like she wanted to say more when there was a rustle behind me.

"Destroy them!" A derpy voice commanded.

"Squids!" I shouted, throwing the dagger behind me and hitting one. Many more replaced the fallen one. Ender grabbed me and Taylor and shot into the air, narrowly missing a squid arrow.

"Hold on!"

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